Monday, April 30, 2012

Romney on Killing OBL

The Hill: Reports on Governor Romney’s rebuttal on the charge by the Obama Campaign that he would not have ordered the killing of OBL, the Governor stated that even Jimmy Carter would have ordered the hit.

Lets Get Real:

Nice throw away line about Jimmy Carter, but so far the former President has been quite on the subject. Lets see if says something, from a recent interview he gave Channel 4 its is not clear that he has a close relationship with President Obama, so he might say that he would not have ordered the hit, but that would not go down well, lets be honest Carer is not that popular in the US, so he might go along with the remark. Lets see if the liberal main stream media asks the 39th President what he would have done over OBL.

2nd Kennedy Shooter - RFK

Daily Mail: Reports that a eyewitness to the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy has stated that there was 2nd shooter that night in California.

Lets Get Real:

Nina Rhodes-Hughes was there that night, and has stated that the FBI changed her story. Folks like the JFK assassination its one of the great Ifs of history, had the assassination attempt not happen or had Kennedy lived would US history have been different. One can postulate that RFK would have beaten Nixon in 1968 as President Kennedy had beaten Nixon in 1960. But and, and this is a big BUT folks, LBJ at the end tried to help the Democratic Nominee in 1968, it was a close result in Nixon’s favour, one can argue that LBJ would have done all he could have done to make sure Nixon won in 1968 if RKF had been the nominee, they hated each other with a fury unmatched in modern US politics. The worse fear that LBJ had was that he would be considered the man between the Kennedy’s, thus it can also be argued that Nixon with the underhanded help of LBJ might have won with a bigger victory. As to the new statement on the assassination, if there had been a 2nd gunman the story would have come out, it’s a get out of jail car in many respects either for the information or coming forward with the proof. Although this blog does not dismiss the statement it would need more evidence, thus far none, thus it was s sole killer.

When Change become a DIRTY word - US Elections

Telegraph: Reports that the Obama Campaign has changed its 2008 slogan of Change to Forward.

Lets Get Real:

If this blog was witty it would argue that a 2nd term Obama Administration would lead to the US going broke, at present the US debt is 16 trillion and going up, the Oval has already told the Taliban that it is leaving Afghanistan in 2014, thus if you’re a woman in Afghanistan you should leave, the US will not be there to protect you if you want any kind of life. A 2nd Obama Term could lead to Israel having to accept that Iran will have the bomb, this would lead to a arms race in the Middle East, lets be honest here folks, the Middle East States would buy the technology from Pakistan or North Korea, or on the nuclear black market. By the end of a 2nd Obama term the US would be a welfare state, the Middle East would be ticking time bomb a minute away form a nuclear war, Israel would be faced with many Arab States with the bomb. That is the forward the US and the World would face in 2016 folks.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the name of the UK Soldier that was killed in Afghanistan on Friday, the Soldier was “ Guardsman Michael Roland, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards ”. Our thoughts are with the family Guardsman Roland.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Romney Super Pac vs. Obama

Lets Get Real:

Advert by a Romney Super Pac that attacks the wasteful spending of the Obama Administration. The Advert hits Oval over its wasteful spending on green projects, also shows how US Tax payers created jobs not in the US but abroad. This kind of advert should work well in the Industrial States such as Ohio and Michigan. The Romney Campaign and the Romney Super Pacs should keep it simple in 2012, they should stress the failure of the Obama economic record and how ObamaCare is hiking health costs in the US. As the Clinton Campaign stated in 1992 it’s the economic stupid. Very simple and direct message. The Romney Campaign should not get diverted by social issues, that’s the fight the Democrats want, the three words Republicans should us is the Economy, Economy, Economy.

Domestic Politics vs. International Politics = Israel

Telegraph: Reports that the Israeli Coalition Government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu faces collapse due to internal pressures.

Lets Get Real:

This would be good for the Obama Oval and Iran folks, why you might ask? On the US side if Netanyahu falls the Oval could place pressure on a new Israeli Government to allow for Iran to get the bomb. Thus no air strikes by Israel on Iran. It benefits Iran because it could not be touched in the future, as is the case with North Korea. The Obama Oval does not want to strike Iran, the left of the Democratic Party would go bonkers should the US or Israel strike. Thus local Israeli politics could see the a nuclear arms race in the Middle East folks, one can guarantee that the States of the region will want protection from a nuclear armed Iran, thus they will gain the bomb one way or another. Dark days ahead for the Middle East folks.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Obama attacks Romney on OBL

Lets Get Real:

Folks, cant Democrats and Republicans do adverts that last about 15 to 30 seconds. it’s the MTV generations folks, after a few seconds they switch off. As to Obama Advert, effective; but they used a quote from Romney from 2007, how many U - turns has Obama done; but the question that has to be asked, what is Bill Clinton after, is the Obama Campaign going to do a switch at the Convention, replace VP Biden with Hillary Clinton.

Pakistan’s Nuclear Ambitions and Reagan

NSA: Has interesting documents from the Reagan Era that show in the context of the Cold War the Reagan Administration turned a blind eye to the build up of Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions. The reason the US sent aid to Pakistan and then the Pakistan Government supported the Afghan insurgents against the USSR in Afghanistan.

Lets Get Real:

At the end of the day folks the USSR had to be thrown out of Afghanistan, it was their Vietnam and helped in the downfall of the USSR. Lets have a counter factual look at history, if Reagan had not supported the Pakistan Government and they had not supported the Afghan rebels we might be looking at different world. The USSR without internal resistance might still be in Afghanistan, thus no blow PR wise to the USSR, or long term costs to its military, also it can be argued that Gorbachev might not have gotten power. The USSR old leadership was looking for a counter to Reagan, thus Gorbachev. Of course this is counter factual, but the dots do add up. In essence folks Eastern Europe might not have gained its freedom, the USSR would still be around, one can see Putin in either system. At the end of the day President Reagan made the right choice, you cant not act based on what might happen decades later, it’s a problem for another POTUS.

Spain = Bailout

Daily Mail: Reports that Spain has a unemployment rate of 24.4%, that means 5.6 million people are on the dole.

Lets Get Real:

In essence the Spanish Government is saying its needs a bailout, this level of unemployment only feeds the extreme left and right, one can see a point in the very near future when there is violent civic disorder in Spain. As noted in recent Guardian post up to 10 EU Governments have fallen sine the economic firestorm of 2008, the EU policy as demanded by Germany is austerity, on the left you have demands for more spending, the left should really think about this, what happens if EU reverses course but it does not work, the left will never get back in to power. The only way for real turnabout is if Germany agreed to EU bonds to be underwritten by them, there is a problem folks, the German Basic Law does not allow for that, the issue of debt lead to the fall of the Weimar Germany and the raise of Hitler, thus Germany has a problem with just printing money. There are no good ways out folks, we are going to see a decade or more of stagnation as happened in Japan. The good days are over folks, the problem is that politicians are very afraid to tell the voters, the voters are sleeping walking over a cliff folks, the problem is that the cliff might turn to be real.

France vs. Germany - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports the following on the expect clash between France and Germany should left wing Presidential Candidate Francois Hollande win the French Presidency, “ Hollande and his team are committed to not ratifying the EU pact unless it is fine-tuned to include growth-boosting policies. ”.

Lets Get Real:

At the end of the day folks, IF France says NO, it does not matter how many EU Countries pass the new EU Treaty it wont matter, without France its just a Germany wish list. The tough austerity packages followed in the EU has hit the brick wall of the welfare state, people are so used to the European Government being there, they have no memory of a world before the welfare state, they assume and demand that the welfare state should be there from birth to death. The problem is if EU Countries fold on austerity its does not solve the problem, small time political rest bite then the other shoe will drop. The Welfare State is killing the EU, it can be argued that it will be sooner not later that Markets will no longer buy EU bonds, as they will be worthless, think Weimar Germany. The Germans have a point, if you have to much debt you end up having to cut, you cant tax 100% or you get the 1970s back again, and that would be disaster. The Germans have to take the Steel fist out and tell France, if they break the new EU Treaty they are on their own, the EU wont bail them out, frighten the French, they do like to retreat.

Friday, April 27, 2012

National Security and the US Election

Telegraph: Reports that President Obama has stated that if Governor Romney had been in the Oval then Osama Bin Laden would still be alive.

Lets Get Real:

This one level is a good political move by the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, on the other hand shows they are worried. On the plus side the Democrats are taking the mantle of hawks on national security, that’s new, its shows that the Oval does not want Romney to have the issue, thus this political strike. On the negative side the Oval must be worried that Israel will strike Iran between now and the November election, this would place POTUS in a tight spot, left wing Democrats would want POTUS to be critical of such an action, but to keep the Oval the White House would have to support such a move. Also Syria is warming up, the Oval does not want to be seen as leading from behind, thus from recent remarks from the Obama Administration it will either get off the dime and take military action or be shown to be ALL bluff when it comes to taking real military action, the taking out of OBL or Libya does not count, one was a single individual and Libya didn’t have the armed forces to fight back, thus a real fight if the Obama has the nerve. The General Election fight is on folks.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ Ist Battalion Grenadier Guards ”.

Lets Get Real:

Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 410 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 370 in combat/hostile action and 40 due to illness, accidents and other incidents.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Murdoch, Brown and Lord Mandelson

Daily Mail: Reports that Rupert Murdoch claimed today that former Labour PM Gordon Brown ordered Lord Peter Mandelson the then Business Secretary to make up lies as to a secret deal between Murdoch and the then Opposition Leader David Cameron.

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes Mr Murdoch again stated that in their last telephone exchange the former PM was unbalanced, thus its all out WAR between Murdoch and Brown. Either the former PM is being economic with the truth or Mr Murdoch is, the question will the total picture ever come out, one has doubts. The blog cant wait for the current PM David Cameron and former Labour leaders and Prime Ministers Blair and Brown to take the stand, the media will spend hours on it, as if we will ever get a clear picture of the power of the Murdoch Empire, that is in doubt. Mr Rupert Murdoch has stated that he has never asked a UK PM for anything, that his support was not based on some secret deal. The statement was made under oath, and so far no real challenge, does this blog believe it for a minute, well this quote jumps to mind, “ You might think that but I could not comment ”. It will be interesting to see Brown take the stand, both Murdoch and Blair have gone through different Court and other Inquires in the past, lets see how Gordon Brown stand up to close questioning.

Confidence Vote - Czech Republic

Guardian: Reports that the Czech Coalition Government faces a confidence vote on Friday, the article notes the following should the Government fall, “ will be the 10th EU government to fall during two years of single currency turbulence and sovereign debt crisis.

Lets Get Real:

Folks one has to ask what is wrong with EU politicians, they seem to lose any real political thought once they get elected, they follow policies that might make the EU elite happy but causes them to lose elections or get thrown out of power. How many multi billions of Euros, it could even be over a trillion has been spent to keep the Euro going, and for what, the only way for the Euro to work is for all the Eurozone Countries to give their budgets to the Brussels, for there to be one President, one Cabinet, one Parliament, for all taxes to go to Brussels, etc, its not going to happen, lets hope the Irish say NO to the latest EU Treaty, it looks like France will also reject the new Treaty if its elect a left wing President. It seems that the Czech people have more sense that their Government, it could be that the Czech people understand the importance of freedom after the Cold War Era.

Attacking Labour Double Standards

Telegraph: Reports that the International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell has bought up the case of Labour Special Advisor Damien McBride and his plans during the Brown Era to smear the Opposition.

Lets Get Real:

Folks, if the shoe was on the other foot the Conservatives would be calling for the resignation of the Secretary of State, it’s a blood sport. What is galling is the general memory dump by the Labour Party, they were in power for 13 years, they almost built a religious alter to the Murdoch Empire, but now they are whiter than white, get a life Ed Miliband, only BBC/Guardian types buy that BS. It get even with Murdoch time, from the left wing press, that means Print and TV, to the Labour Party. Lets Lope Rupert Murdoch recalls on those that are dumping on him now, and dumps on them, big time years down the line.

Murdoch and Hunt

BBC News: Reports that No 10 has stated that there will be no new investigation in to the claim that the Culture Secretary Hunt broke the Ministerial Code over his dealings with the Murdoch Press Empire.

Lets Get Real:

Folks this blog is sick to death of Labour under Ed Miliband taking the high morale ground, what is worse is that BBC on the whole is allowing Labour to get away with it, so far have not heard them recall the Labour Special Advisor who wanted to bury bad news on 9/11. Also the Labour Special Advisor who was close to Gordon Brown who spread false rumours. Did you hear Labour then say that Gordon Brown should have gone, of course not, the Coalition Government has to take the fight to the BBC. In one respect the Conservative Party is lucky, Business Secretary Cable is a political hostage, the Hunt business would not have developed if Cable had not stated he was going after the Murdoch Empire, when he was meant to be in a Judicial role. Thus if Hunt has to go so does Cable, one would presume that Nick Clegg has been told that, thus why the Liberal Democrats have been very quiet. Politics sometimes has to be that brutal folks. Its called Democracy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gingrich OUT - Next Tuesday

The Hill: Reports that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will leave the Republican Race on Tuesday and support the presumptive Republican Nominee Mitt Romney.

Lets Get Real:

It sad to say folks but Speaker Gingrich has not mattered for weeks, this departure was on the cards for weeks, there was no way Gingrich could win the Republican Nomination, also with the withdrawal of Rick Santorum the nomination was in the hands of Romney. Lets look to the general election campaign folks, Romney needs a VP that will bring the Christian Republicans and the Tea Party movement, but more important he needs a VP that will be a attack dog, someone who will take the fight to the Oval, someone that the main stream media will make public enemy No 1. Also the Republicans have to take in to account the Democratic Strategy of creating an impression that Republicans are at war with women. Thus Governor Romney needs a female VP, but someone that has been vetted and will not cause problems for the Nominee. As stated yesterday the Romney Campaign should think about selecting a VP early, its risky YES, but with risk comes reward, Romney could be in the Oval in 2013.

UK in Recession - Coalition Government

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports that the UK is in a double dip recession.

Lets Get Real:

Folks its going to be hard few months if not years, the recent election in France shows that people are fed up with austerity, they want the good old days back, spending and spending. Well folks GET OVER IT, those gold days of economic growth is over. In France the electors have voted to take France over a economic cliff. In the Netherlands the EU faces a General Election. Also there are protests in the Czech Republic over the new austerity measures of the EU. As not to forget Greece, a recent poll had those Parties from the left and right that oppose the austerity plan of the Greek Government ahead of the Coalition Government in Athens. The cuts in the UK have barley started, the next few months could see eve more contraction in the economy, that has been the fate of EU Countries. The UK Coalition Government has to toughen it out, the Golden Goose is dead, and its eggs are rotten. Thus the UK Government needs more austerity, it has to cut Government to the bone, thus welfare has to be reformed. They Coalition has to be tough, why should 18 year old get any benefit, sounds harsh, it’s a harsh world folks. Also the NHS has to be reformed, charges should be bought in, the NHS gets billions and wants more billions, sooner or later there will be a need for major cuts, lets start with the NHS. The Welfare State is over folks, get used to that fact.

Murdoch, Brown was BONKERS

Telegraph Live - Leveson: Reports in its 12.48pm post that Rupert Murdoch has stated that former PM Gordon Brown went unbalanced when he learned that the Sun would support the Conservative Party.

Lets Get Real:

If your read the memoirs and diaries from the New Labour Era you get a very unsettling fact, that many within New Labour saw former PM Gordon Brown as close to bonkers as you can get without the men in white coats coming around for a visit. As to high morale ground now taken by Labour when it comes to Special Advisors, give me break, lets recall the most infamous remark by a Labour Special Advisor, that after 9/11 it would be a good day to bury bad news. Then the untrue gossip spread by one of Brown’s advisors, he had to be sacked. Those are the one that just come to mind, in his memoirs Tony Blair warned about jumping on the latest bandwagon, it seems that Ed Miliband has failed to learn that lesson. On the whole Murdoch 1 - Leveson 0.

Leveson = McCarthyism ?

BBC News Live - Leveson: Reports on the appearance of Rupert Murdoch at the Leveson Inquiry.

Lets Get Real:

Well folks today you have seen a modern version of McCarthyism, left wing Guardian agenda thrown at Mr Murdoch, it can argued that the Leveson Inquiry has lost the plot, it is not the business of a Judge in a Democracy who a Press Baron meets or does not meet, that is none of his business, it can argued that Lord Justice Leveson has become as bad at those that the Inquiry was meant to be looking at, nearly all the questions thrown at Mr Murdoch were based on some Guardian view of the past, and when Mr Murdoch stated that these ideas were myth, there was no evidence to prove he was not telling the truth, one can see Lord Justice allowing the Barrister to ask “ Have you even been Communist ”. The Leveson Inquiry was set up to look at phone hacking, it seems the case that sparked the Inquiry that there was no phone hacking as first thought, so why is this Inquiry still going on, another Bloody Sunday Inquiry, how much does a Barrister or Judge make per hour, doubt it’s the minimum wage. All power corrupts sooner or later folks.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Netherlands and the EU

Guardian Live - Netherlands: Reports the Budget Crisis in the Netherlands, it has the following line, the PM of the Netherlands “.. it's not the support he needs for the budget - which needs to be delivered to Brussels in a few days... ”.

Lets Get Real:

Think about this folks, a Sovereign Country needs to get approval from Brussels for its Budget, that the EU could say NO, and even fine that Country if it does not like the Budget. The EU Elite if they are careful might find they get the boot, the downfall of so many EU Governments has shown that the voter is not buying the German idea of how to get a successful economy, that is cutting spending. The Welfare State as noted many times in this blog could kill the EU. The general population of the EU since 1945 has been bought up wit the idea that the State will take care of its Citizens from birth to death, the problem is that its very success is killing the golden egg, the vastly improved health services means that people live longer, people don’t have to retire, thus less jobs for younger people, then we come to the bankers, they were the final nail in the coffin of the EU. It will fall folks, there is to much debt, its just a matter of time.

Lets Not Forget Greece - Euro Crisis

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports in its 10.45am post of this morning that the Greek economy will contract by 5% this year not as expected 4.5%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we have seen the 1st round loss of President Sarkozy in France, the Netherlands Government has fallen, the Markets go up and down with no real logic. The central question is what is Germany going to do, the common view is that Germany should back the development of Euro bonds, the term back means to underwrite folks. Thus in essence Germany would be on the hook for the debt of Europe. That has not gone down well in Berlin, the other solution is for there to be a Central European Government, a real Government with a President, Cabinet, the ability to raise taxes etc. That wont get through in many EU Countries. Thus folks we are left with one option, the Euro has to be scrapped, the problem as often stated that it would cause havoc, lets GET REAL HERE, how many Governments need to fall before the EU Elite get the message, its OVER. The Euro dream is turning in to nightmare, and the winners are the extreme left and right. Before Europe repeats the mistakes of the 1930s it has to bite the bullet, admit the Euro dream is dead and create a new system, otherwise it will destroy itself.

The End of the Republican Race

BBC News: Reports that the presumptive Republican Nominee Governor Mitt Romney is looking to win in “ New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island ”.

Lets Get Real:

This race was over when Senator Rick Santorum suspended his Presidential Campaign, this is a matter of form, the election process reaching its end. The Romney Campaign has to direct 100% of its strategy to the General Election Campaign. It could be argued that Romney should be bold, it’s the custom to announce the VP choice at the National Convention, it can be argued that Romney should go early, and pick a woman, that would finish any idea that the Democrats have of saying that Republicans are at WAR with women. On the other hand as the article notes, there is great speculation that the Florida Senator Marco Rubio is at the top of the VP list, as this would help with the Latino vote. Thus the Campaign after a deep background check of Rubio and if it is clear should pick him and take the fight to the Oval. Those who dare win folks.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Turning Point - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports that with the 1st round success of Francois Hollande in France, the fall of the Coalition Government in the Netherlands and demonstrations in the Czech Republic, the EU faces “ …three separate events illustrate a major turning point is the eurozone crisis. ”.

Lets Get Real:

At its most basic folks the EU Elite have tried to keep the Euro at the cost of eye watering austerity that hits people, the problem for the elite of the EU is the fact that Europe is a Democracy, people are the final judges, if they will not accept the tough austerity packages of their Governments they can VOTE them OUT or the Governments fall due to internal problems, this has happened to the PIIGS, France, now Netherlands. Sooner or later folks a brave EU politicians is going to put his career first not that of the EU. Lets see if its President Sarkozy.

UK Losses Today - Market Meltdown

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports in its 5.25pm post that 27.6 billion pounds was wiped off the value of Shares today in the UK.

Lets Get Real:

Folks this up and down in the Market wont stop in till the EU has major reform of the Euro and the Welfare State. As for the Euro the PIIGS have to get out, they are like a cancer, they are eating the system form inside, and there is no cure. When it comes to the Welfare State the old post 1945 model has to be reformed, the left has to grow up, the UK and the rest of the EU with the exception of Germany is broke. The Welfare bill, and that includes heath never goes down, just up and up. The population is aging, there are not enough young people working to fund the system, the reforms by the EU to prevent people being forced to retire means that the young have even a less chance of getting a job. Thus the Euro and the Welfare State will kill the Euro, if EU politicians are not careful it will also kill off the EU.

Markets Meltdown

BBC News: Reports on the tumbling Stock Markets in the US,UK and Europe.

Lets Get Real:

The reason the Markets have gone down between 1% and 3% is the fact that Francois Hollande won the 1st round of the French Presidential Election, his promise to spend if he gets elected has spooked the markets, France will become the next target of the bond market. In the Netherlands the PM and Cabinet have resigned because the Coalition Government could not agree a plan for austerity. Also European indications show that Europe is in recession. Thus folks we have seen the Governments fall in the PIIGS, now France and the Netherlands can be added. It is simple folks, the Welfare State is killing civic government in Europe.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Decision Points by George W. Bush

Have just finished the memoirs of Bush 43, it’s a great read folks, direct and to the point, also the President keeps to major areas of his Administration. Unlike Bill Clinton its not a endless discussion of meetings, by the time you finish the Clinton book you feel if you have read a very boring travel book, this is not the case with Bush 43. The President deals with his decision to give up drink, the ramifications of 9/11 and then the War in Iraq. The financial crisis of 2008 shows how a right wing President can end up giving bailouts due to the threat that the US economy is going to go over a cliff. The Bush 43 memoir has the gift that Blair’s book had, you feel that the President is there in the room with you, telling his story from his perspective. The President admits his mistakes in Iraq and Katrina. If you read one political memoir this year folks, read the memoirs of Bush 43.

French Election 1st Round - France

Guardian Live - France: Reports on the latest results from 1st round of the French Presidential Election, with actual votes in Francois Hollande is on 27.5%, while President Sarkozy is on 26.6%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus it can be postulated that Sarkozy will move to the right, he might toughen up the rules for immigration in to France, start to make the EU a target, all EU politicians must be getting the fact that those politicians that have supported the EU have found themselves out of office, it’s a long list folks, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Greece, being a friend of the EU does not get you elected, the attack on the EU was one of the platforms of the extreme right wing Party of Le Pen, thus its standing of around 20%. The left has a problem, if Hollande moves more to the left he unites the right and centre right, if he does not get the total left vote he does not chance of winning. The next two weeks will be interesting in France.

French Election 1st Round - France

BBC News: Reports that the Socialist Francois Hollande has topped he ballot in the 1st round of the French Presidential Election, in 2nd place is the current President, Nicolas Sarkozy.

Lets Get Real:

The general opinion is that after the 2nd round that Francois Hollande will be the next President of France, one would have to question that after this result, at present an exit poll has Hollande on 28.6% and Sarkozy on 27%, what is interesting is the result for the extreme right, they are on between 19% and 20%, are these voters really going to vote for a left candidate, one has doubts, will they stay home, that is a possibility, or will President Sarkozy move to the right, when politicians are faced with being out in the cold they can move when they have too, also lets recall this is a two man race, the 1st round had 9 candidates, thus two weeks is an age in politics, Spain could go belly up, might need a bailout, the Syrian low scale civil war might lead to Western action, as in Libya. Its not over till its over, and as they say in Chicago, its not over in till you stuff the ballot box. Fun and games ahead folks.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Democrats and ObamaCare

The Hill: Reports that Democrats leaving Congress in 2012 are now saying that ObamaCare was a mistake. The question that has to be asked folks of these BRAVE politicians is why they didn’t open their mouths when Obama was pushing through ObamaCare when it was opposed by a majority of the US voters. Its easy to be HONEST when you nearly out of the door, real leadership is saying NO when you have something to lose. What ever you think of POTUS, at least he still defends it, might be crazy in political terms but it shows a kind of leadership.

The One Billion Campaign ?

Guardian: Reports that the Obama Campaign is not expected to meet expectations and raise 1 billion for the General Election.   This is interesting folks, as today in US politics money is the mothers milk that can decide if you win or lose, its not the final judge, but if you no money your out, that is one of the reasons that Senator Santorum threw in the towel. Also with the US Supreme Court opening the gates to unlimited cash donations to Super Pacs, this this helps the Republicans, as the article notes,the conservative Super Pacs are accummulating vast war chests. Their figures, too, have to be released by Friday. ”.   Unlike 2008 Obama does not have much of a fan base in the business world, his Administration is seen as the most negative towards business in history, from ObamaCare to new regulations on Wall Street. Thus in General Election terms its an even match folks, the General Election Campaign has already started folks, got to love money and politics, its called Democracy.

Is Syria the NEXT Libya ? = Arab Spring

Telegraph: Reports that Western Leaders have threatened to take action in Syria by setting up humanitarian corridors due to the Syrian Regime not honouring the UN Ceasefire.   If you read the article closely folks this can be seen a last ditch effort by the French President to get some military glory before the two rounds of the French election, as usual the FCO does not want to take action, no great surprise. What is interesting is that the US is starting to put the military option on the table, it can be argued that neither President Obama or French President Sarkozy want another Bosnia on their hands, what Libya did show is that when NATO really takes action, and the opposition is a paper tiger in many respects, as was the case with Libya forces, then NATO can win. The UK Coalition Government will not want to part of any military action that does not have UN approval, on the other hand if the US goes in the UK goes in, also if Turkey states that it is under threat from the low level civil war in Syria then NATO as a whole has to take action, thus the UK, one way or another folks this could get tricky quite fast, lets hope the action is due to military need not a quick political fix. As military action in Syria by NATO would lead it can be argued to conflict between the West and Iran, the Tehran Regime will back its only real last ally in the region. This could be the start of a Proxy War in Syria folks.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the name of the UK Soldier that died in the UK on Wednesday of wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Sapper Connor Ray, 33 Engineer Regiment (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Sapper Ray.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Death in the UK - Afghan Theatre

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has died in the UK of wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ 33 Engineer Regiment (EOD) ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 409 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 369 in combat/hostile action and 40 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

New Labour and Rendition

Guardian: Reports the following on the links between rendition and the Blair Government, “ ..It is possible that the Blair government's collective judgment was twisted by a desire to ingratiate itself with Gaddaf.. ”. One can argue between Iraq, Afghanistan the anti terror polices of the Blair Government and the threat to the Union by giving Scotland a Parliament that the Blair Government will go down in history as the worst in history, all that New Labour PR has been shown to be hollow shallow rubbish. Lets be clear this blog on the whole has no great problem with rendition, but when you play that game, there are consequences if it goes wrong. The Blair Government allowed itself to be seduced by the PR reformed Colonel Gaddafi, the African/Middle East Spring that saw the toppling of Regimes from Tunisia to Egypt, at end of the of day Gaddafi showed he had not changed, he was quite happy to kill his own people before the UK and France said NO and removed the Gaddafi Regime. As the Coalition Government had no part in the rendition process they can hang the Blair Government out to dry, that does give this blog some pleasure.

Spanish Banking Woes - Next Chapter

Telegraph Live - Spain: Reports that bad Banking loans in Spain have reached a 18 year high, and as a result the Spanish Stock Market has lost 3%. Folks this is simple, Spain the next shoe to fall after Greece its to big to bailout, the banks have not really looked at the effects of their property boom going bust, the Government is trying to push through eye watering austerity measures, thus a cut in Government spending, thus more cuts in the public sector, this leads to more welfare, thus more Government spending, thus you have a developing banking crisis and a Central Spanish Government that does not have full control of Regional Spending. The Telegraph notes that the Germans have stated that there have been no discussion in Berlin over a Spanish bailout, that folks is BS, if they have not made back up plans they are fools, because Spain is the next economic bomb to go off folks, its like a Shark, it slowly coming to the surface, think JAWS, and its going to bite the EU and the Euro.

UK Unemployment Falls

BBC News: Reports on a drop in UK Unemployment, last month thirty five thousand people left the Unemployment roll. Thus the UK rate fell from 8.4% to 8.3%. This is good news for the Coalition Government and will take the wind out of Labour, one could see the effect it had on the Guardian BBC News readers, by their tone, which was negative you would think we had become another Greece. One wonders if the rate of Unemployment had gone up if they would have been more cheery, lets face it the BBC, Guardian, Daily Mirror are no friends of the Coalition Government, they are left and see things only from a left point of view, that’s life folks.

Obama vs. Romney, TIED - NYT/CBS Poll

The New York Times: Reports on NYT/CBS Poll that finds President Obama and Governor Romney tied at 46% support among registered voters. This should worry the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, POTUS needs to be over 50% with a chance of getting re-elected. Also lets face political reality folks, the Romney Campaign is excellent at running a negative Campaign, and unlike 2008 POTUS has a depressing domestic record to defend, the biggest own goal ( that is Football in the UK folks, and Soccer in the US ) is ObamaCare. The Oval is very much in the hands of the US Supreme Court, and the Supremes are expected to rule on ObamaCare in June. Also last month there was the poor jobs report, although US unemployment went down it was not because jobs were created, it was because people gave up, its that bad folks. The Obama Campaigns theme of class warfare is also a mistake, its not working, might keep the left of the Democratic Party happy but scares the hell out of moderates and independents as they know they will be next for a tax hike. The Chicago operation has to up its game and fast, this is not 2008, if they think it is they are heading for a rude wake up call on November 7th.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What is Mitt hiding ? - Democrats

Folks one does wish that the DNC and RNC would do shorter adverts, it is generally accepted that 15 to 30 seconds is good. After about that time you lose the voter. On the DNC advert it has a good attack, but takes to long to get there, so Governor Romney is rich, that is BREAKING NEWS!!

The Failed Obama Record = Republicans

How POTUS has the same failed rhetoric but no follow through. Rather long advert from the Republican National Committee but effective. They need to be more pointed and shorter RNC.

48% Disapproval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its Daily Tracking Poll for the job approval for President Obama, today POTUS has a 48% Disapproval rating, while 46% Americans approve of the Obama record. Folks the Chicago Re - Elect Committee have a problem, how do they move the Oval, in this case President Obama off his favourite subject, tax hikes to getting the US economy moving, Obama seems to have a daily speech on tax hikes, he might like saying it but people get peeved after while if a politicians just parrots the same thing, why bother to listen. The US voter wants to hear how President Obama is going to get the US unemployment rate down from 8.2% to below 7%, how those that have given up or have taken part time jobs can get jobs or better jobs, just saying tax hikes as a form of religion might make Obama happy but it can make for a bad November 7th 2012 if he losses, he wont have any one else to blame, so if these polls don’t change in a good way expect the real professional politicians, aka Bill Clinton to visit Obama and remind him its not just him on the ballot, its US Senate down, the Democrats will not want to risk losing the Senate in a big way or face further defeats in the House, thus if the message of tax hikes don’t work expect the subject to get dropped, even Obama has to wake up and smell the coffee sometimes, he is a Chicago Politician after all, they don’t play fair in Chicago.

Tax and Spend Liberal = POTUS

Guardian: Reports the following on the Buffett Rule, “ …..measure would raise $47bn over the coming decade, barely enough to notice against the roughly $7tn in budget deficits expected over that period. ”. The spending by the Obama Administration is the first two years would make a drunken sailor give up drink, and what did the trillions spent by the Oval get the US, lets see Government spending that didn’t get the US unemployment rate down to 6% as promised, and of course ObamaCare, the Oval promised that health costs would go down, they have risen, any fool in the UK would have told Obama that health costs never go down, just ask NHS in the UK. Also the Oval has admitted that the Buffett rule would do nothing to get the US out of its present DEBT hole, thus folks it would be the Middle and Working class who would end up paying, there is folks to say for the 100th time, never enough rich people. It seems that POTUS is following the French model, the Left wing Presidential Candidate in France has stated he would raise taxes for the wealthy to 75%. Yes folks think when the UK was the sick man of Europe and France is heading in that direction. It seems that Obama wants the US to become another Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and next Spain, having to be bailout out, of course this would be down to China, what will they ask in return, and what will the US under Obama have to give up, that is the price of being broke folks. Time for the US to grow up and smell the coffee and vote against Obama in November 2012.

Obama’s Class Warfare Election Theme

Telegraph: Reports that debate about the Buffett Rule and tax policy will show US voters “ a preview of debates they will hear over the next seven months. ”. The problem that President Obama has is this time he has a economic, health and foreign policy record, he has to defend his Administration record, and at its core is ObamaCare, the Obama Oval made a serious political mistake, it thought the US voter would come around to it, this has not happened, in fact it has become more unpopular, should the US Supreme Court find that the individual mandate legal then the Oval will have to defend it through the General Election, that is not a great political move, it’s the one issue that moderate and independent voters will not forgive Obama for, thus the US Obama would be holed very much like the Titanic. On other hand should the US Supreme Court find that the Individual Mandate is not legal but keeps the rest of ObamaCare this creates a major a problem for Obama, the Republican House wont fund it, and he will have to go back to the voter with no major domestic success, the way to fund ObamaCare, tax hikes, lets see Democratic Senators and House Members run on that, it would make keeping the Titanic afloat look easy, yes that bad folks. Thus POTUS has shown himself to be a tax and spend liberal, nothing new, therefore easy to defeat.

Blocking TAX Hikes - Obama’s Class Warfare

BBC News: Reports that US Senate Republicans have blocked a tax hike move by the Obama Administration. One expects that the Oval understands that this move to tax the rich was not going to pass either the US Senate or the House, the problem with this tax hike, called the Buffett Rule, is the fact that there are never enough rich people to tax, in the end it’s the Middle Class that take the hit, that’s the part the left never admit, and once voters get that tact they can change their views on a dime. Thus this class warfare rubbish might work with the extreme left of the Democratic base, but when voters get the fact they are the next target for tax hikes they vote Republican. It seems that President Obama has missed the lesson of the 1984 election when the Democratic Nominee, former Vice President Walter Mondale stated he would raise taxes if elected, he lost to Reagan by 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 electoral votes. Lets see if Democrats in Congress run on this class warfare message, they wont folks, trust me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Class Warfare CLOSE to home!

Sunday Mail: Reports that President Obama’s secretary Anita Decker Breckenridge pays more tax that a the President. Thus one can expect President Obama to immediately give his Secretary a pay raise and pay the difference between his tax rate and hers. It can be argued that President Obama has the same problem as Hillary Rosen, he only speaks to people who agree with him, and does not read or understand basic economics, also he does not understand the US mind set. This foolish class warfare argument by POTUS might work in France but the US is not France, that why the founding fathers left, they didn’t want any part of the old World. Also POTUS might like hearing himself say the same thing OVER and OVER again, but it does not work, same with ObamaCare, he said it would be come more popular, it has not, if Obama does lose his re-election bid and he follows his own arguments he wont take seats on company board, he will write his memoirs then he will have to get a REAL JOB, in the private sector, how else is he going to fund his Presidential Library, since he attacks the rich he wont take their money will he, the problem with class warfare folks is that it is stated by people who have never had a real job, and once they lose power go after money like it’s the end of the world. Grow Up POTUS.

What FINAL VICTOR ?- North Korea

Guardian: Reports that the new leader of North Korea Kim Jong - un has called on his Country to push for final victory, the article notes the following on the speech “ The speech suggested Kim would stick to his father and grandfather's "military-first" policy. ”. After the recent failure of the North Korea’s rocket one can expect the following from North Korea, some kind cross border attack on South Korea, just to make the point that North Korea has a million men ready for War with South Korea, also a third nuclear test, just to keep the UN and Western powers off guard. The main worry would be if North Korea and Iran former a military alliance, the North Koreans could help Tehran with its nuclear ambitions, while Tehran has had some success with its missile technology, thus that is not far from a nuclear armed Iran with an ICMB. Thus Asia and the Middle East could become very hot over the next few years folks.

Afghanistan Attacks Part Two

Telegraph: Reports that the UK and German Embassies and NATO headquarters in Kabul have come under attack. Thus folks this shows how the supposed security that NATO brings is hollow and can be thwarted in the fighting Summer months. If the NATO Allies want out of Afghanistan by 2015 they will have to up their game, they can not afford from the PR point of view to have the Taliban take over once the last truck or helicopter leaves Afghanistan, that would be to much like Saigon in South Vietnam in 1975. That would be a disaster for any US President or UK PM. Thus, there is a need to revise the military plans for Afghanistan, at least to give the appearance that when NATO leaves that the Afghan Government can fight off the Taliban, at least long enough for the 24/7 news channels to get bored with the post NATO Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Attacks = Tet Attacks of 1968

BBC News: Reports on the co-ordinated attacks by the Taliban on various locations in Kabul, the Capitol of Afghanistan, and other Afghan Provinces. This does recall the attacks by the Viet Cong on US Forces in Southern Vietnam in 1968, that lead to the downfall of a President. The mistake the NATO Allies have done is to set out a timetable for withdrawal, there is no reason for the Taliban to have serious talks with the Western powers, once they leave they can declare victory and start to hang their opposition, the West has to make it clear that it will leave enough forces in Afghanistan tot prevent the Taliban taking over, or what is the point of losing good and brave Soldiers for nothing in the end.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Do Dems HATE Mums ?

Guardian: Reports on the disastrous comments by Democratic Strategist Hillary Rosen that Mrs Romney had never worked a day in her life. This is what happens folks when people only talk to people they agree with or read something you the could have written, this is a gift to Republicans. What the elite Democrats have to understand is not ALL women work for the uber liberal NYT, not ALL women go out to work, a lot do but not ALL, working at home brining up a family is stressful and greatly undervalued on the whole. When it comes to issue of mothers that stay at home or work but also look after the family both have value, if your working that does not make you a bad mother, if you’re a single parent you have too, also these days families might need two pay packets coming in to the house. What this does show is that Ann Romney is a classy lady but has a great political heel, be careful Dems you just might have released the political weapon that gets Mitt Romney in to the Oval.

Spanish Banking Woes - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live - Markets: Reports that Spanish Banks borrowed 316.6 billion Euros from the European Central Bank in March. Lets get real here folks, Spanish Banks are a clicking bomb within the Euro, the property bubble as with Ireland has sent Spain heading for the sewer of debt. The new Conservative Government in Spain have bought in eye watering austerity measures, but there is a problem is Spain, the banks have not really opened their books, also the Regional Governments are being stubborn with the lack of austerity. The cost of 10 year Spanish bonds are heading for that 6% over the cliff for borrowing for the Central Government. The EU/IMF has to have a plan for an emergency loan to Spain, also as with Greece, for EU inspectors to be placed in Spanish Government Departments to make sure that Spain follows its tough austerity plan. Its going to be a hot Summer in Spain folks, will be people go along with these measures or revolt.

North Korean Rocket Failure

BBC News: Reports that the North Korean Regime has confirmed that its attempted rocket launch has failed. Thus folks the Asian Region on the one level must happy, this is the 2nd failure to launch an ICBM by the Stalinist North Korean Regime, the question is how does North Korea react, it can be postulated that it will want to counter this failure, thus one can expect either a nuclear test or some kind of military confrontation between North and South Korea. One can guess, since North Korea is a closed society, that the Regime will go for the big bang, in other words a nuclear test, just to remind outside powers that it is a nuclear armed power. Of course the rocket launch could be a good way to spin this, the Regime could argued that the rocket failed due to secret moves by the US to shoot it down, total lies but the PR will be for home consumption. Lets see what the last Stalinist Regime in the world does over the next few days.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

US Court vs. UK Parliament

Guardian: Reports that a US Federal Court has blocked a House Commons Select Committee from seeing documents that concern the UK’s role in rendition. One can see why Judge Ricardo Urbina ruled the way he did, the request was not an individual request it was from a branch of the UK Governmental system, a very low branch of the UK Parliamentary system. The Judge might be thinking why are they asking the US Government, why don’t they ask THEIR own Government. One cant wait to see former Labour Ministers having to answer some very tough questions from the Police, but then as stated this blog has predicted that this messy business will be thrown in the long grass, the Police have close contacts with MI5 through Special Branch, they need each other, this is a political argument. If there was another major terrorist attack in the UK the people would want answers from the terrorists, even torture, politics change, what was seen as illegal one day but comes Government policy the next day. This blog lives in the real world folks, even if our MPs don’t at the moment.

Spain and the Eurozone

Telegraph Live - Markets: Reports in its 12.55pm post that the new Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy has stated that Spain will not go to the EU, and in his words with its begging bowl. Lets see folks, Spain is in a mess, it has planned billions of cuts, its has the highest unemployment in the EU, and even the cuts planned by the new Spanish Government will not bring it down to the level just agreed by all EU Countries. It can be argued with some justification that Spain is heading the direction of Greece, can the politicians get the people to accept the tough German Austerity plan for the EU. In Greece there is going to be a General Election, from polls it seems that the pro austerity Parties are going to lose out to Parties that oppose the harsh austerity plan of the Coalition Government, also in France the French Left Candidate is promising massive Government spending and tax hikes that would make you eyes water, thus the rich French are going to come over to the UK, its 45p in the pound for the higher tax payers. If the French left are elected expect France to be the next target of the bond market. The economic cliff could not be that far away folks, France might take down the Euro and the EU.

The Last Messages from the Titanic

BBC News: Reports that the BBC’s World Service is to broadcast the messages form the Titanic, although the original messages were in Morse the programme will use a mechanical voice for the messages. This should be interesting folks, as the article notes Morse was the Twitter of its day, the latest in technology, lets recall Morse was used to catch a well known Edwardian killer who tried to escape the UK via Ship. As recent events have shown in Italy, even the latest technology cant prevent a Ship sinking. Lets never forget the main lesson of Titanic, never allow Hubris to make you think your God.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Market Troubles - Eurozone

Guardian: Reports the following on the dive in the European Stock Markets, “ sovereign debt crisis exploded back into life on Tuesday, with markets across the continent rocked by a wave of panic selling ..”. At its core folks its politics vs. economics, a hidden bomb in the system is the French elections, the French left candidate is leading, he has promised massive Government spending, taxing the rich, the usual left rubbish, while the Conservative Government of France has been following a austerity plan to keep the bond markets off the back of France. If the left win in France and the Coalition Government in Greece does not get re-elected expect the Euro to go over the cliff. The French Left has made it clear that it will want fresh talks on the recent EU Treaty, it will want to tax UK Finance sector, thus expect another bloody EU meeting. The left in the UK and the EU don’t get the fact that the welfare state model is over, its very success has killed it, at its most basic, there are a lot of old people and fewer working younger people. The costs of health all over Europe can not be kept at its present level, the NHS has billions and will want more billions, it never ends. But all things end folks, even the Welfare State, and the Welfare State is no Roman Empire, it wont be for hundred of years.

Eurozone and the Euro

Telegraph Live - Markets: The US and European Markets have dived due to the slower than expected US jobs report last week, and Spain has replaced Greece as the next big problem, the rate of its bonds cost his heading to 6%. Thus folks we are back to the Euro and the welfare state problems of the EU, the bond market has NOW returned to attack Italy and Spain. Lets cut all the BULL, if Spain or Italy or both need a bailout its over for the Euro, even the EU. The core problems folks is that Germany wants austerity, that’s the only way it can get its tax payers to bailout Greece, but that cost is placing a stake through the heart of the Euro. The cuts in public spending through out Europe has returned the EU back in to recession, there has been arguments form the Labour Party in the UK and the French left that Government should spend and tax the rich, YES folks the fools still talk this kind of rubbish. The Miliband Labour Party seems to have missed the disaster that is Greece when you allow the public finances to go down the toilet, Spain could be next, the French Left just want to spend and tax the rich, they will move to the UK, its 45p in the pound for high tax payers. There is a solution folks, but its dramatic and out there, lets face it needs something, the clock has to be restarted, ALL DEBT has to be written off, as if it never happened, all the BANKS will have to be secured against runs on the banks, then those holding the DEBT will have to given exception from tax till the end of time. Then the welfare state has to be reformed through out EU, you don’t retire in till your 70 for women and 75 for men, the public sector has to see massive cuts, no major difference between the public and private sector, the Unions have to be restricted in their actions for a time, no STRIKES. The above might work, might not, so far nothing else seems to have worked.

Santorum OUT - No Reagan of 1976!

BBC News: Reports on the withdrawal of ex Senator Rick Santorum from the 2012 Republican Race. In his speeches the Senator has compared himself to Ronald Reagan and Reagan’s run for the 1976 Republican nomination against President Ford, to be honest folks that is BS, Reagan understood keeping on message, the Senator has allowed himself to get in to debate about social issues, as is known the Senator has very Conservative opinions about social issues, not in the main stream, when it was talking about the economy his Campaign worked, once he got side tracked by the main stream media it was on to a loser. If Santorum wants the Republican Nomination in 2016 should Romney lose he has to keep to bread and butter issues, never mention social issues, we know were he stands!! If a question is about social issues, the Senator has to return to it’s the economy, if not he wont stand a chance in 2016.

Santorum Out - Romney the Nominee

Senator Rick Santorum has suspended his Campaign for the Republican nomination. Thus folks its over, Romney in the Republican Nominee to face President Obama in November, this was a good political move by Santorum, if Romney loses to POTUS then this sets up Santorum for 2016. The Senator gave a very moving speech dealing with his daughters ill health and others in US society who are on the edge of the US dream, he did no mention Governor Romney, that can come later, thus folks its down to Romney vs. Obama. Let the negative adverts start.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the name of the UK Soldier that died in the UK of wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Corporal Jack Leslie Stanley, from The Queen’s Royal Hussars (The Queen’s Own and Royal Irish) ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Corporal Stanley.

The North Korean ICB

Guardian: Reports that North Korean ICB is ready to launch as planned. Thus folks as noted in previous post the military of South Korea and Japan have been placed on alert and are ready to shoot down the rocket should it come over their air space. The Obama Administration has to go back to the UN and demand even tougher sanctions, not that it will make a blind bit of difference, the North Koreans are not even afraid of China, one has to postulate that China is unnerved by North Korea, it’s a nuclear armed power, that seems to pull the strings of the US, one level that is problematic for China, on the other it makes China look stable, also there is not a lot China can do about North Korea, if it stops its support then you could have millions of North Koreans going over the border to China, that is not a problem that China wants or needs, thus it is keeping out of this mess as much as it can, not trying to annoy either the US or North Korea. As noted in the Telegraph it his reported that the North Koreans are planning a third nuclear test, the end game will see South Korea and Japan go nuclear, these Countries are not going to allow North Korea to bully or threaten them, thus expect more military intrusions from the North in to the South, to stop this the South will have to go nuclear, thus Japan will follow, Russian Roulette folks, lets hope no ones miss reads the direction of the gun.

North Korean NEW Nuclear Site

Telegraph: Reports that the Stalinist North Korean Regime is building a underground tunnel to test a 3rd nuclear device. This will send the region to the cliff of South Korea and Japan going nuclear, if the North Koreans have a successful ICB launch then can place a warhead on a rocket that will force their neighbour South Korea to request that the US helps it develop its own nuclear defence, the same goes for Japan. The Obama Administration will find it hard to say NO, they have shown themselves being suckers, they thought they had an agreement with North Korea to stop this launch and its nuclear programme, every time as US Administration thinks it has a deal the North Koreans sucker punch them in the guts. The North Korea Regime knows it can blackmail the hell out of the US, it can pull these stunts and attack South Korea on its border with no comeback, simple reason it’s a nuclear armed power. It helped Syria build a nuclear plant that Israel had to hit at the end of the Bush Administration in 2007 and the World did nothing in real terms, think if this was Iran, yes folks, that is why Iran can not be allowed to go nuclear, it could never be touched what ever did in the Middle East.

Blair Government and Rendition

BBC News: Reports that the Blair Government in 2004 gave the green light for the rendition of Abdel Hakim Belhaj to Libya. This doe have the echoes of the bestseller Ghost, one has to ask did No 10 know about this rendition, did the then PM Tony Blair have knowledge of such action or did he give approval. Thus far a lot of questions but not a lot of answers, this blog does not expect the Police to turn up anything, they have to work with MI5 in the future, thus they can not mess up that relationship. Thus prediction folks, this will be allowed to die in the long grass, the total information on this operation will never come out, that is the British way, we don’t have UK versions of the 1970s US Senate investigations in to intelligence.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Death in the UK - Afghanistan Theatre

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has died in the UK of wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ The Queen’s Royal Hussars (The Queen’s Own and Royal Irish) ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 408 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 368 in combat/hostile operations and 40 due to illness, accident or other incidents.

Obama and Iran

The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration and its EU allies will demand that Iran closes its Fordo nuclear facility and transfer its nuclear material out of the Country. This is a great start to talks folks, telling Iran what the West wants even before talks start, this will allow the Tehran Regime to play games, hope to cause division between the US and EU, while at the same time building towards getting the bomb. Lets get real here folks, Obama wants endless talks though out this year as to prevent Israel attacking Iran before the November election, then Obama can pressure Israel to accept a nuclear armed Iran after he is re-elected. As Obama sold out Poland, Czech Republic, one can expect him to sell out Israel, the Obama White House leaked secret Israeli plans for an attack on Iran, this shows the real political colours of the Oval.

North Korea = ICB

Guardian: Reports the following on the build up to the North Korean launch of its rocket, “ ..may have moved the first stage of a rocket to a launch stand, indicating it is on schedule for a controversial mid-April launch.. ”. Thus this shows how foolish President Obama was trust the word of the North Korean Regime when it said it would not do this in exchange for food, as with Iran Obama thinks his rhetoric is the real world, recent reports from US has the Oval requesting that Iran’s Supreme Leader back up his statement that Iran does not want the bomb, it seems that Obama is willing to trust the enemies of the US, North Korea and Iran, while selling out the military plans of Israel. Lets get real here folks, Obama does not have the backbone to take military action, he lead from behind in Libya, it was down to the UK and France to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi. Thus its important that the Republicans unite around Governor Romney and make the Obama Administration a one term Presidency. Otherwise Iran will get the bomb, Israel sometime in the future could be wiped from the face of the earth, as Obama showed by selling out Poland and Czech Republic, he has no understanding of US National Security, that is why Obama must be defeated in 2012.

North Korean THREAT

Telegraph: Reports that the Stalinist North Korean Regime has threatened severe punishment should its ICB rocket be destroyed. As the articles notes both South Korea and Japan have placed their forces on alert and will shoot down the rocket should it go over their air space. This is a powder keg ready to go off folks, its only needs a mistake by the North Koreans to cause a regional War, if your South Korea or Japan and this rocket is a threat you have to take action, lets hope the North Koreans technicians are good and this missile does not go off course, the Oval does not want a new Korean War.

Obama’s Polls

Here is a look at the Daily Tracking Polls for the Job Approval for President Obama, lets start with Gallup, today POTUS has a 47% Approval Rating, with 46% Disapproving of the Obama record. The sluggish jobs reports has moved the Oval down from its 50% Approval rating. The Gallup Poll is of American Adults, lets have a look a likely voters, lets see the Rasmussen Poll, this is better news for the Oval, in today’s Poll POTUS has a 49% Approval rating, while 50% of likely voters Disapprove of the Obama record. Thus from these Polls one can say that Obama on average is above 45%, thus the Chicago Re - Election Committee has to work to get back Independents that ran away form Obama over ObamaCare, but and this is a BIG BUT, it depends if ObamaCare is thrown out by the US Supreme Court, if that happens it’s a new game folks, there would be no good domestic record for Obama to run on, thus its down to the Supremes folks.

Friday, April 06, 2012

50% Job Approval Rating for POTUS

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job performance for President Obama, today POTUS has a 50% Approval rating, while 43% Disapprove of the Obama record. This will make the Chicago re-elect committee happy, the question that has to be asked, is how deep is this support, what happens NOW that the election phase is in the General Election mode, that Mitt Romney is the Republican Nominee, YES folks, this blog is calling it over, it does not care much if Senator Santorum is in or out, this blog deals with the realities of politics. Let see the polls after the weekend, lets see if the jobs downer of today affects the results.

US Recovery in PERIL ?

Guardian: Reports on the stalled recovery in US unemployment, the article states the following, “ ..far below the figures most economists had been predicting. ”. Thus folks my political advice to the Oval last night, don’t use social issues in till later in the election cycle, today was the day to go on about the PILL, but that’s old news now, the political commentators from right to left will have return to the economy, as the Clinton Campaign stated in 1992, “ It is the economy stupid ”. The Oval’s main worry is if the Supremes throw out ObamaCare, when will Obama then run on, the promise to bring the issue back to Congress, that would not be a smart political move, or worse the Supremes could as this blog has predicted, throw out the individual mandate but keep the rest and throw the issue back to Congress, that would be an issue that most Democrats would not want to discuss again, thus Unemployment and ObamaCare are the major domestic problems that the Oval faces, either could sink the re - election Campaign.

The Oval and US Unemployment

The New York Times: Reports on comments by President Obama that there would be up and downs in US unemployment. What the Oval can not afford is for the Congressional Budge Office to be right, if US unemployment starts to go up then Obama is finished, using the pill as an attack on Republicans wont get him re-elected if US unemployment goes up to 9%. The perfect nightmare for the Oval would be if the US Supreme Court threw out ObamaCare, then the US economy looked like it was reversing, then if Spain needed a bailout, this would make Obama look like Jimmy Carter Mark 2. Also lets lot not forget Israel, if Israel attacks Iran then everything is in the air, as a wise UK PM once stated to a junior Minister, events, events, events, it’s the X factor of politics.

US Unemployment Rate down to 8.2%

BBC News: Reports that in March the US added 120,000 jobs to the US economy and lowered the US unemployment rate from 8.3% to 8.2%. At first glance this looks like good news, but the jobs added is lower than expected, this could mean that the US Congressional Budget Office could be right that US unemployment could start to raise again by the November election. The CBO predicted that US unemployment could be back at around 9% in this time period. This would be a disaster for the Obama Oval, it would mean certain defeat, lets see what April brings, and if the March figures are revised up or down. The Republicans can use this perceived bad news to attack the Obama economy, while the Oval can argue that the trend is good and this is just a hiccup in the process. Lets see who right folks.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

9/11 Terrorists SET for Trial - Justice or Politics ?

BBC News: Reports that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and four others will be tried by a Military Commission for the terror attacks of 9/11. This news is political folks, the Oval for years tried to move the cases from Guantanamo to New York in New York State, this caused a political firestorm, the Oval in the end had to admit defeat and have these terrorists tried by Military Commission. This could have been done years ago folks, the Bush Administration had set it up, but the Obama Oval thought it knew better, ObamaCare anyone, yes for a lawyer Obama is not that good. Thus this move today is political, the left will not be happy, but its not about them, they have nowhere to go, this is about getting Independent and male voters to give Obama a 2nd chance and thus a 2nd term. Why do we have to waste time with a trial, they are guilty, cant we just hang them or shoot them, and give them a Muslim burial. That would be justice or the justice that these terrorists should get, so for the next few months we have this show trial, and it’s a show trial, the sole benefit to get Obama re-elected, shame on the Oval.

Romney vs. Obama

The Romney Campaign is not going to allow President Obama to define him, this is the rebuttal advert from the Romney Campaign. It shows that the Romney Campaign is on the ball, it has learned the lessons of not responding fast enough, it can be argued that Kerry Campaign failed in 2004 due to lack of response to the attacks on the Senator’s military record. As noted the Bill Clinton re-election Campaign defined his Republican Opponent months before the National Conventions, thus won big time, this is the trick that Obama is trying, will it work folks, lets see how sick of these adverts we get, and folks you will get sick of them, this is just the start, a very long road, so many Adverts, Polls, Articles, etc, yes the General Election fight has started folks.

The Woes of Spain and the Markets

Guardian: Reports that European Stock Markets have fallen by over 2% today. Thus folks Europe needs growth but this cant be down with Government spending, PIIGS are broke, today in Europe is in the AGE of Austerity, thus this will increase welfare spending, thus more debt, thus the bond market will smell out a weak economy and go in for the kill, go and ask Greece, Ireland and Italy what that feels like to the native politicians, that means losing political power. It can be argued that the EU faces a decade of austerity, high unemployment, low to no growth, a high rate of young people on the dole, the older generation will have to work post 65, lets cut the BS folks, if your in your late 30s or 40s NOW, you will be working in till your 70 or 75, just get over that fact. Its going to be a hard and tough decade folks, lets hope Prozac is cheap.

Spain IN Pain - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live - Spain: Reports the following on this mornings Spanish bond sale, “ ..hoping to get away €3.5bn, but only found buyers for €2.59bn - and had to pay higher rates than in previous sales, at 5.338pc. ”. Thus folks if Spain goes down the toilet so does the Euro and the EU could be next, if Italy or Spain need a bailout, or both do then its game over folks, the EU/IMF does not have the money or the political will to save both economies. After all the worry about Greece, it could be the liver of Europe that goes dodo, ( if France and Germany are the heart of Europe, you can follow this example, the Spanish and the Italians like their food and wine, they just might have eaten enough to kill their liver ). Lets see EU politicians waffle though another crisis, endless meetings, endless near death experiences. That is EU politics folks.