Thursday, October 20, 2011

Death in Athens = Protests ?

Guardian Live: Reports on the death of Dimitris Kotsaridis who was attending the Athens protest against the Greek Governments Austerity packages, the cause of death is unknown and there are different versions of the incident. The Guardian notes that the death could have been bought on by a heart attack due to Mr Kotsaridis being hit by a rock or tea gassed by the authorities, or the death was of natural causes. But the death is a symbol of how the austerity package is hurting Greece, the cuts in Government spending is hurting growth, this leads to more people out of work, as economic growth would see more people getting hired, the Greek economy has contracted so much that the Greek debt can never get repaid, never mind how much plans are pushed by the Government in Athens. The Greek Government should take a breather after this death and think about leaving the Euro, restart from scratch, it will be bard but these cuts are not helping Greece, they are helping French and German Banks, once they are safe the EU/IMF/ECB will cut Greece off, then what for Athens, the Government should take the lead, not lead by the EU.

PM Cameron on the DEATH of Gaddafi

Gaddafi like Hussein found in HOLE - End of Gaddafi

Telegraph Live - Libya: Reports that Colonel Gaddafi like Saddam Hussein was found in a hole, one of the Sewers of Sirte, before being killed. It will be interesting to see who fired the fatal shot, was it Libyan rebels or NATO Aircraft, one can postulate that both Iran and Syrian will clamp down ever harder on dissent, the leaders will have seen what happened to Colonel Gaddafi, thus they don’t want to be dragged through the streets dead, thus expect more violence against protesters, the UN has been weak against Syria, will the US and the UK allow Syria to fall in to a gradual Civil War, will they allow the Syrian Regime to kill more thousands if not hundred of thousands of its own people. When it comes to Iran the Tehran Regime might think they have nothing to lose but to go for the bomb, will the Oval allow Tehran to become a security threat to Israel. How every much these regimes try to block the images from Libya the death of Gaddafi could be a further spark to resistance in Syria and Iran.

New Libya - Gaddafi Dead

BBC News: Reports on the death of Colonel Gaddafi and the taking of his birthplace of Sirte. Folks this is a good day for Libya, a New Libya can develop from the wreck that was the Gaddafi Regime. They people of Libya have shown their bravery in rebelling against the Mad Dog but now they have to start to build up a Libyan Democracy, Libya is a oil rich country, there should not be any poor or out work people in Libya, the Libyan Revolution should be a warning shot to the tyrannical regimes in Syria and Iran, sooner or later the people just have enough of the repression, they fight back, and only stop when a tyrannical regime has fallen. This a good day to be a Libyan. How does this effect, UK, French and US politics, well Coalition PM David Cameron will be able to argue that he with France lead the international community to take action over the Gaddafi Regime, the end result being UN Resolution 1973. The Oval has a problem, it wanted to lead from behind, who would have though a US President would have wanted to be lead, so in a ironic way, while most the NATO assets came from the US, the Oval wont get the credit, think about it folks, the death of OBL and then Gaddafi and Obama is still not sure of re-election, he really is Bush 41 after winning the First Gulf War. A one term President Folks.