Friday, June 15, 2012

Have the Greeks Blinked ?

BBC News:Reports that private opinion polls Greece suggest that the anti austerity Parties are losing the support of the Greek voters.

Lets Get Real:

It seems that the Greeks might have blinked, there are no official polls because as the article notes its illegal to do polls two weeks before an election. This would give the EU some space, the Greeks would have to understand at its core there would be no new deal on its previous austerity deal, there might be some change on the time of the deal but that is all, the Greeks have to understand if they vote for the austerity parties they are voting for harsh and tough austerity. NO DEAL NO MONEY.

The Battles of the Message - US 2012 Race

Lets Get Real:

The real signs that Democrats are worried will come if those running down the ticket in November decide that having Obama around to Campaign with them is a bad idea, start to look how many Democrats running for Congress appear with the President, if they decide they need root canal on the day that the President arrives then the Oval is in trouble. Its early folks, the voters have a few months of this Campaign, there will be up and downs for both Obama and Romney. The President can not afford another political gaffe along the lines that the private sector is doing fine, thus the handlers of the Oval will have to keep POTUS on message, the problem is that the message is not working, the voters want to hear what Obama will do in a 2nd term, thus far not a lot. The Oval needs a message, and it should keep to that message, politics 101 folks.

France and Italy = Bailout ?

Telegraph: Reports that the former Labour PM Gordon Brown has stated that Italy and France might need a bailout.

Lets Get Real:

This blog does not have a lot of time for Gordon Brown, that goes for the Labour Party and the UK, but and there is always a BUT, when it comes to his finical outlook one has to say even if it is not popular he did one great service to the UK, he placed a block on Tony Blair going in to the Euro. Also his management of the financial crisis in 2008 was excellent, that was Gordon Brown at his best, that didn’t happen much but it did happen. This warning by Mr Brown should be taken seriously, President Hollande has made political promises that do not match the reality of the French economy, he has reversed the pension reform of the last conservative government and is promising to spend on the public sector, thus one can see a future bailout, if Greece goes then Italy could get hit due to its banks holding Greek debt. It is a pity that Brown does not play well with others, there could have been a role for him in this crisis .

49% Job Disapproval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a 44% Approval rating, while 49% of US Adults Disapprove of the Obama record.

Lets Get Real:

It seems if you look at likely, registered and adult voters that POTUS is on 45%, thus folks expect a very nasty campaign from the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, they can not afford for the election to be about President Obama, they will lose badly if that is the result. Thus the Romney Campaign has to hit the Obama Camp hard and often, 24/7 folks. The Romney Camp has to define Obama as another Carter, but worse, lets hope the Republicans have their eye open folks, the last Campaign standing wins. That is how they win in Chicago folks. You have to respect that kind of nasty and hard campaign, they win.

Romney vs. Obama - The Polls

Rasmussen Reports ( Likely Voters ):Reports in its daily tracking poll on this Friday that Governor Romney leads President Obama by 47% to 45%.

Gallup ( Registered Voters ):Reports in its daily tracking poll on this Friday that Governor Romney leads President Obama by 46% to 45%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks still a close race, with Romney with a 1 to 2 point lead. Neither Candidate has defined the other so far, the Obama Campaign has failed to show that Romney is a out of touch rich Republican who does not understand main street, while the Romney Camp has failed to define POTUS as a out of touch tax and spend liberal. The next shoe to drop will be the decision by the US Supreme Court when it comes to ObamaCare. This might better define the Candidates, either way. Think folks a couple of months of political polls, what could be better for a political geek.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed on Friday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment ". Thus since 2001 the UK as lost 419 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 379 in combat/hostile action, while 40 have died due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Wednesday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was " Lance Corporal James Ashworth from the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards ". Our thoughts are with the family of Lance Corporal Ashworth.