Monday, July 30, 2012

Obama and the Swing States

Lets Get Real:

It not even August yet folks, Governor Romney has not picked a VP, the there is the National Conventions and finally the all import Debates. Also lets not forget the fact that the Obama Camp has out spent Romney in this early stage, nearly all the Obama adverts are negative. Thus the fact that Romney and Obama are tied in most polls is great for Romney. It would be great if Romney was ahead, but the plus for the Romney Camp is the fact that they will have more money on hand when the race really starts after Labour Day in the US. The polls in September and October are important folks, if Obama is ahead and this blog thinks he will win it will say so, its a Conservative blog but its not blind. It wants to be right. It is just to early to say folks. The Presidential Debates could be the decider as they were in 1960, 1976, 1980 and 2000. Thus if your a Republican you should not be that depressed but if your a Democrat do not be to cocky, events, events folks.

Bill Clinton and Obama - 2012 Race

Guardian: Reports that former US President Bill Clinton will nominate President Obama at the Democratic Convention, the article notes the following, " ties between Obama and Bill Clinton have strengthened significantly ".

Lets Get Real:

If the Guardian even thinks that Bill Clinton likes Obama they should register for a Guide Dog, it can argued that Bill Clinton loathes Obama, not just because he beat Hillary Clinton in 2008, but due to the fact that the Obama Campaign in 2008 used the race card on the first " Black " President, and that is Clinton folks not Obama, Hawaii does not cut it, its not the Deep South. Thus the question what is Bill Clinton up to, if Hillary Clinton follows through with her statement that she wants out of a 2nd term is Clinton looking to replace her, or is this a bigger game, does the Slick Willy ( BC) expect Obama to lose to Romney and thus making sure that Hillary Clinton does not get any critical reviews by action by Bill, that is how they play the game in the Clinton household folks. Or it could be more basic folks, BC just loves the TV, wants to be the centre of attention, he does have that flaw.

Syrian Update - Syrian Crisis

BBC News: Reports that two hundred thousand Syrians have left the Syrian City of Aleppo due to the fighting between the forces of the Assad Regime and the Free Syrian Army.

Lets Get Real:

Thus the question that has to be asked, what is the West going to do folks, the answer is NOTHING. The Assad Regime would have to start using its WMD's on its own people before the West would take action, and lets be very honest here folks, the action would be taken not to save the Syrian people but to make sure that terrorists did not get their hands on such weapons or that the Syrian Regime gave these WMD's to terrorists in the region, this would be seen as a threat to Israel and thus either Israel or the US would have to act, the Assad Regime is a criminal regime, that does not make it stupid, one can presume that Russia and China have made it clear to Assad that if he uses chemical weapons he is on his own, thus the Syrian people will die while the West looks to the Olympics, that is the real world folks, sad but true.