Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The Royal Navy sent in over argument with the French over Brexit Agreement - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government should remind the FRENCH that Sir Winston Churchill sank the French fleet during World War 2 as to prevent it being taken by the Germans.  The UK should send a aircraft Carrier to solve the issue, any FRENCH BOATS that block UK ships should be confiscated and the sailors sent home by airplane.   Paris is seeking to  regain some of the rights that it lost with the agreement between the EU and London.   The UK PM can not be blackmailed by the FRENCH, they need to be taught a LESSON the hard way, after the sailors are taken from their ships and they are empty the Royal Navy should consider sinking them, that would be a FIRM LESSON to the French.  

The TRUTH behind BREXIT from the EU side - Post Brexit

BBC News: Reports " EU negotiator Barnier spills Brexit secrets in new book "

Lets Get Real:

It will be interesting to READ THIS BOOK, it seems at the very end that the EU didn't understand why the UK left, that DEMOCRAY was not on their list of important things, the UK voter voted in 2016 for a BREAK with the EU, this was confirmed in the 2019 General Election.  The French are playing games, they have threatened to cut off the to cut of the electricity to Jersey over the fishing limits that they have been set by the UK.   The UK should consider a BOLD option, just revoke the Withdrawal Agreement, the French are playing silly buggers, it is causing a problem in North Ireland, make the Irish Government set up a border on their side of the BORDER.   The SNP in Scotland will have to face the FACT, that if Scotland leaves the UNION, it will lose the POUND and there will need to be BORDERS between England and Scotland. 

Vote Conservative in Thursday Elections

VOTE Conservative FOR for the FUTURE OF WALES

                     VOTE for a FIRM BREXIT    

                     VOTE to send a MESSAGE to the Media Elite

                      VOTE for a Conservative Candidate