Friday, February 17, 2012

The Pivotal State = Michigan

RCP: Reports on its average of the polls in Michigan. At this moment Senator Santorum leads Governor Romney by 37% to 28.8%, a lead of 8.2%. The reason that I call Michigan pivotal folks is the fact that Governor Romney was born there, and his father was a Governor of Michigan, thus in many respects this should be a lock for Romney, but if you have a look at all the polls on the RCP web site you will find that Santorum leads in all the Michigan polls. Here is the simple fact folks, Romney has to win this State or it could all be over, if Santorum wins or comes close then Romney could be either heading for a defeat in the race or not getting enough delegates to win the Nomination at the Republican Convention. The Governor has not helped himself in Michigan, he has stated in the past that the US Government should have allowed the car industry to go broke, this has not gone down well with the locals, it’s a major employer, also lets be honest here, Romney has less of a human touch than a DALEK on a bad day, even a Borg has its moments. The social Conservatives and Tea Party supporters are going for Santorum, they don’t trust Romney, thus Romney has a problem, he has to win Michigan, or it just might be all over, tense days ahead for Romney.

Berlin vs. Athens - Euro Crisis

Guardian: Reports that the 2nd Greek bailout could fall apart on Monday due to a “ ..growing evidence of a significant split between Merkel and her finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble … ”. The German Government is a Coalition Government, thus the German Chancellor can say anything she likes, but she has to take her own Party and her Coalition Partner with her, the questions that must be asked in Berlin is will there be another Greek bailout, will a new Greek Government after the General Election in April carry on with the austerity package agreed with the present Greek Government and the troika, can Greek politicians be trusted. The 1st question is simple, of course the Greeks will be back for more money, they are in the sewer when it comes to financial competence, as to the 2nd question, it depends who wins the election, when people are in despair they turn to extreme Parties, left or right, that's how Hitler came to power. As to the third question, simple, Would you trust a Greek politician, any politician? NO.

The DEBT of Greece - Euro crisis

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports on the affect of a 2nd Greek bailout on the Greek debt, the 6.26pm post states the following, “ was reported that the bail-out would only bring debt down to 129pc of GDP, far from the 120pc target. Thus folks Greece would still be in the toilet even after a proposed decade of austerity. It can be argued that Greece even with the austerity can not afford a debt of 129% of GDP, there has been talk out of EU than there will be a deal and Greece will get a bailout, if that happens it will show that EU leaders have lost their bottle. The Greeks will be back for more folks, and the next time the EU will just say NO, the Germans voter has gone beyond its limits, why should Germans voters bailout Greece who conned their way in to the Euro and have spent like drunken sailors for years. Time for tough medicine folks, Greece out of the Euro and for Greece to GROW UP.

Tax Cuts and Welfare Benefits

The New York Times: Reports that US House and Senate have passed an extension of the payroll tax cut and an extension of unemployment benefits. This issue was needed out of the way by Congressional Republicans, in 2011 the Oval could define the Republicans as wanting to hikes taxes on the working class because they argued that these taxes should be paid for with budget cuts, the Democrats wanted hikes taxes on the wealthier Americans, the Republicans would not do that, thus a bitter fight before Republicans caved on the issue, this limited deal in 2011 was reaching its deadline this month, the new deal with take the issue off the table for the year, the deal cuts public sector benefits and cuts the money for ObamaCare. Thus a good political move by the Republicans for once, some extreme liberals wont be happy, that helps Obama, shows to voters that he will do deals even in an election year. Everyone wins IN till next year folks.

46% Job Approval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Report on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a 46% Approval rating, while 48% of Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. The vicious Republican fight and improving image of the US economy has helped Obama improve his poll numbers in various polls, of late he has been getting over 50%, this is seen as a good sign for re-election. The decline of US unemployment from around 9% to 8.3% has given the Oval a bounce, if this pace carries and its big IF folks then Obama could get a second term, lets stress the IF folks, the Congressional Budget Office has predicted that US unemployment rate will go back up to 9% before the November election, if this happens Obama is toast, but if they are wrong and the rate goes below 8% then it can be argued that Obama is following the Reagan path to re-election, if the rate hovers in the 7% as happened in 1984 Reagan could argue that the direction was down, this will be the Obama argument. Thus if Santorum is the nominee, and the economy has a major upswing then Obama will be leaving the White House on January 20th 2017.

Gallup = The Republican Race

Gallup: Reports on its poll of the Republican Race, at this moment former Senator Rick Santorum leads Governor Romney by 32% to 31%. Thus as Gallup notes folks we have a tied race, the question that Republican voters have to ask, do they want a pure Conservative Candidate, as is the case with Rick Santorum, who is totally Conservative and cant win against President Obama, or a reformed moderate who is now a Conservative in the shape of Governor Romney who can give POTUS a run for the Presidency, lets get real here folks, in our hearts we might want Santorum, but this race is about defeating President Obama, thus time to think Chicago politics, this means supporting Governor Romney, but keeping an eye on him if he gets elected, otherwise another four years of Obama, and his Agenda to move the US to a welfare society. GET REAL FOLKS.