Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Libby and the Media

Washington Post, a very fair article by the Post on the issues. As stated in previous Blog, time for the President to Pardon Mr Libby. Lets be honest he is down in the polls any way, he wont lose his bedrock and the Media will throw a fit but so what, time for the President to act in the matter.

New York Times
, quite fair, but wonder what they said about Democrats in Disgrace.

If your a Democrat and your on the right side of the issues does not matter what you do!! Time for the President to Pardon Mr Libby.

2008 Race

It seems that the 2008 race will be decided well before 2008, Xmas 2007 at this rate, what a way to run a country. Here are some interesting articles on the Race, the Democrats and Republicans. All polls are in percentages.

RealClearPolitics Blog
, the best political site in the business has a new poll results from N.H, Clinton has extended her lead over Obama and Edwards. Clinton 38, Obama 16, Edwards 13.

RealClearPolitics Blog
, Poll has Obama ahead of Clinton, my gut tells me to listen to the pundits on this, in other words don't bother, its June and what matters is the the race later in the year. Here are the results. Obama 30, Clinton 29.

RealClearPolitics Blog
A New Rasmussen Poll has Thompson second in the race, in another Poll he is well down see above, recall my argument about National Polls this early. Gore could even come in on the Democratic side later on. Here are the Results, Giuliani 23, Thompson 17.

California Race
has Thompson second with 21 also McCain, with Giuliani on 28. This is interesting as Primary Polls are more of a indicator for VIEWS.

Pardon Time?

Mr Libby faces 30 months in the Jail. This is time for the President to Pardon Mr Libby. Mr Libby has done great service for the USA in the past. Below are a few interesting links on the Libby Case.

Elite Washington's Letters to the Judge

Bush No Action, learned from Clinton mistake in 2001.

One Issue Party

An interesting article from ABC News, it shows what happens when a political party becomes a one issue party, in this case Iraq for the Democrats. As the article points out the loss support is due to the fact that on the whole the Democrats cant force the issue and thus after blowing their stack have to give in to the White House and what the President wants or face more political pressure. I have a feeling that against all the advice of the pundits the Republicans will re-take the House and Senate and Keep the Presidency.