The Hill: Reports that the liberal House leadership has failed to do a deal with conservative Democrats who oppose government funded abortion. On this issue you have to salute the liberal leadership, they have kept to their agenda, they want the Government to fund abortion, its the right policy if not the right politics. Lets see if the Conservative Democrats fold and support health care reform or bury the Obama Agenda. As stated the Speaker Pelosi would not be foolish to go for a vote if she did not have the votes to pass health care reform. If we take that as a given we then move on to the politics after HCR is passed. The Democrats will really have to sell the Act, they have some plus points to sell, the Act bars the insurance companies from saying NO to people with a pre- existing condition or it prevents a cap on the cost of cover. Also it cover more Americans than the Republican Plan. On the liberal side its a move to fund abortion. Thus we come to the negatives, it will cost one trillion dollars, that's TRILLION folks. The cost of getting of insurance wont go down, there will be tax hikes and also Americans will be forced to buy Medical cover. Thus the Republicans will have one message, " Repeal ObamaCare ". The political cost to Democrats could be the loss of the House and the Senate in 2010 and the White House in 2012.