Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mali, A Critical Crisis - Crisis 3

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the French say that their military plan is working in Mali, and now it seems that the Islamic terrorists are making progress in the North of the Country, the Western action by the rebels has been slowed in the view of the French, it would be nice to have some reporting from the other side but these terrorists kill reporters with ease, they do NOT understand importance of getting their message across, even the Taliban have gotten the fact that they need good PR or at least reporting that shows their side.  One can see a 3am call to the White House and 10 Downing Street, the message will be simple, the French are in trouble, if they fail Europe could come under new terrorist attacks, and of course so could the US.   The last thing the Oval wants in in last term is for a major terrorist attack to occur on its watch, then nothing would matter, the Oval would have been seen to lie to the US voter that the War on Terror was coming to end, LBJ had the liberal Great Society but this was not enough after the disaster that was Vietnam, thus the Oval should be careful that it does not become another LBJ, politics and history has a way of playing the card you should have, sooner or later, lets see if the Oval understands that fact.