Guardian - Live Reporting: Reports in its 3.42pm post the following, " Verhofstadt suggests UK's Brexit backstop plan not a 'workable solution'...Guy Verhofstadt, the European parliament’s lead spokesman on Brexit, has now posted a tweet about the UK’s Brexit backstop plan. He is raising the same concerns as Michel Barnier (see 2.02pm) and the Irish government (see 3.28pm), but he is more blunt that Barnier, implying that what was published today is not a “workable solution”. "
Lets Get Real:
Thus the PM has put out one local fire, now faces a EU fire, the EU is not impressed with the UK Brexit backstop. The PM has to be firm with the EU and the Republic of Ireland, the UK will not play this game, either accept what we want or we walk out with our money. The PM has to be strong, she must make the EU think that she will walk, do they want to see Boris Johnson as PM or David Davis. THE backstop is only a problem if the UK and the EU can not get a deal, thus the term backstop, the UK, well the Cabinet should make its mind up when it comes to Brexit, what form, and can they get it through the House of Commons.