Monday, May 17, 2021

The OVAL OFFICE and Israel - Latest on the Israel and Gaza

Lets Get Real:

Four words = Mid Terms in 2022

The Biden Oval will not want to lose CONTROL of either the House and the Senate, if that happens then the Biden Presidency is OVER and his chances of re-election go down the drain.  The American political cycle NEVER ENDS, when an election cycle ends, the interest in the next starts, thus POTUS will want to be seen as a friend of Israel, the Israeli Lobby is very powerful in US politics.  POTUS does not want to be seen as supporting the Palestinians over Israel.  Thus do not expect Biden to pull the plug on Israel, that is not going to happen, he is not that brave, Reagan once did use that as a THREAT, but he was a GREAT PRESIDENT, that is not Biden.

Israel and Gaza - Update - The NEVER ENDING WAR!

Lets Get Real:

The Elite Press in the UK is starting to take sides, the tone has been critical of Israel, this comes from the BBC News and Sky News, the main 24 news channels.  The lack of deaths in Israel is due to the FACT that Israel has the IRON DOME, it can take out most of the rockets launched in Gaza by Hamas.  The Biden Administration is QUIET due to Florida, a lot of older Jews have moved to Florida for the climate and they vote, next year in the 2022 Mid Terms, so POTUS wants to give the impression that he is supporting Israel, as Sky News reported the US has blocked a statement from the UN on the issue.   What POTUS is saying in private is another matter, he is coming under pressure from the extreme LEFT in the Democratic Party who are critical of Israel and in many instances support the Palestinians over ISRAEL.   This cycle of violence has  FEW DAYS TO GO, Israel has to defend its people and limit HAMAS in Gaza and get the towns in Israel who are shared both Jews Israelis and Arab Israelis to go back to being quiet.  Also to keep the West Bank quiet.

Abortion in the US - Who decides?

Lets Get Real:

One hopes that the SUPREME COURT follows past cases and rejects the Mississippi law, the right of  a woman to have an abortion is between her and her Doctor.  Conservative Judges if they are really CONSERVATIVE, will follow the Classical Liberal view, that the role of the Government should be limited, one can argue that the Conservatives who oppose abortion are really LIBERALS, they want to allow the STATES to decide on the nature of abortion.   This blog has always SUPPORTED abortion on demand, its a privacy issue, and who wants to see a baby born who is not wanted and can have a negative results for ALL.   If the Supreme Court does restrict abortion one can expect the LIBERAL Democrats in the US Congress to allow abortion on demand, that will really irk so called Conservatives.   The Supreme Court should leave the issue alone, it has been decided.