Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Trump invokes FDR over Muslim Ban - Outcry

Lets Get Real:

Even great Presidents such as FDR or Ronald Reagan make mistakes, with FDR it was his mistake to lock up Americans of Japanese, German or Italian decent, with the Gipper it was Iran - Contra.  It can be argued that Donald Trump is trying to muddy the waters, with bringing up FDR, it forces the issues back to Democrats, and keeps his base happy that he fights the establishment.    The idea that you can BAN an entire population brings up World War 2 and the treatment of the Jews under Nazi Germany, once you open that bottle it just spouts EVIL.  One would hope Mr Trump would take a step back and consider his comments.    The very nature values of America is freedom, to use hate speech in such way is below the character of the Oval Office, time for Mr Trump to grow up. 

POTUS on Trump - Outcry

Lets Get Real:

This is rare time that this blog agrees with the Obama White House a 100%, the words of Trump should be disowned by the Republican Party and the other candidates, in pure politics its a disaster, what other minority group will Trump want to ban, its only a small step from Muslims to other groups.   If decent Republicans vote for Trump this blog will support HRC a 100%, this blog does not like HRC, thinks she has a problem with the truth, and is all political, but she would still be a better choice for the Oval than Trump.   What has happened to US politics and the Republican Party?  As to the moral question, how could any one with a faith, no matter what, vote for Donald Trump. 

Trump on London - Outcry by London

Lets Get Real:

Thus more wrong and rubbish comments by Mr Donald Trump, he should keep his hateful comments to the US, the Met does an excellent job, they are not perfect, but they try their best to protect the safety of all citizens in the London and the UK.   One has to wonder can not the US Police have a word with Trump and his HATE SPEECH, it must be illegal somewhere in the US.   The UK Government should consider banning Trump from the UK, his comments are racist and not true.   Lets hope the Republicans pick another front runner and fast. 

Donald Trump on Muslims - Outcry of Opposition

Lets Get Real:

The idea of banning muslims from coming to live in the US or to come on holiday is not what the USA represents to the World.   The US represents freedom, the great melting pot, the idea that select one group for banning shows that Mr Trump has learnd nothing from World War 2.   Mr Trump will gain some points from those that fear the modern world after 9/11, it is good to see that other Republican candidates have come out against the idea, one would hope Mr Trump would take time to consider his words, they are racist and will be used by Daesh to gain support, lets hope Mr Trump is not the Republican nominee, lets recall he is a very rich, he has the money to buy the Oval Office.