The New York Times: Reports on Donald Trump invoking FDR in World War 2 when it comes to banning Muslims from the US, the article notes the following, " ..on Tuesday defended his call to block all Muslims from entering the United States, casting it as a temporary move in response to Islamic State terrorism and invoking President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s actions toward Japanese, German and Italian aliens.."
Lets Get Real:
Even great Presidents such as FDR or Ronald Reagan make mistakes, with FDR it was his mistake to lock up Americans of Japanese, German or Italian decent, with the Gipper it was Iran - Contra. It can be argued that Donald Trump is trying to muddy the waters, with bringing up FDR, it forces the issues back to Democrats, and keeps his base happy that he fights the establishment. The idea that you can BAN an entire population brings up World War 2 and the treatment of the Jews under Nazi Germany, once you open that bottle it just spouts EVIL. One would hope Mr Trump would take a step back and consider his comments. The very nature values of America is freedom, to use hate speech in such way is below the character of the Oval Office, time for Mr Trump to grow up.