Monday, June 16, 2008

Afghanistan and Iran and the West

New York Times: Reports on the united front by the UK and the USA on Iran and Afghanistan. Some new news, the troops sent to Afghanistan will be around the two hundred mark. The troops will be needed as Afghanistan will get hot while Iraq has cooled down.

UK,USA and Iran

BBC News: Reports that Iran has been given a warning by the USA and UK to take action on the diplomatic moves by the West or face sanctions. I still argue that President Bush will take action before he leaves office, he does not want to leave Iran out there, a Obama or McCain might be to weak to take action, Bush does not care if he is popular.

Troop Surge for Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports on the statement by Gordon Brown that more troops are being sent to Afghanistan. I would prefer to take troops out of Afghanistan and sent them to Iraq. I have a feeling that Afghanistan is going to get worse before it gets better, and look our for diplomatic and military problems between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The Moscow Summit 1988

NSA: If you have a chance have a look at these secret documents from the Moscow Summit of 1988. See how the Cold War came to an end 1988.

Fathers Day without Father

CNN: Reports on a Obama speech on African - American Males who make a family then walk away. This is good on the morality of taking responsibility for your actions also very good politics, it will be seen by Reagan Democrats as telling the truth when it would be more easy and less stressful not to deal with the issue. Thus this is a first good move by Obama, he cant let himself be defined as a Elite Liberal who wont deal with real issues in the black community, now lets get tough on Foreign Policy.

Bush, another Truman

The Times: Article on the legacy of the 43rd President of the United States of American. Truman like Bush was low in the polls, had scandals and a war with no quick fix, in this case Korea. Lets look from 2008, Truman is now considered great, but lets look at the pillars of the greatness, the ending of WW2 by the use of Atomic Power, the Policy of Containment via the USSR and winning a second term in 1948, Ronald Reagan introduced the President. Thus after 48 that we see things go down hill for Truman, political scandals and Korea. Bush 43 had to deal with 9/11, two wars Afghanistan and Iraq. In these two countries he has bought freedom, but the cost in military deaths is still going on, a war without end in Afghanistan. In Iraq we have seen the surge work, a low level of military deaths and the central government is working. Bush won a second term, it can be argued that Bush might not be a Reagan, few Presidents are, but close to Truman in many respects.

Pakistan and Afghanistan Border

BBC News: Reports that Pakistan will not tolerate its border being crossed by Troops from Afghanistan in search of terror suspects. The USA has to keep its two allies on board, it cant have two friends at each others throat. The Special Forces need to take action on the border, those from the USA will not be shot at by Pakistan, the USA would not react well to its forces being target practice for a friend in the region.


If your a bloke, how much loyalty do you expect from a friend who is also a bloke, do you expect honesty, do you expect them to lie to you for years because another friend, lets say female cant stand you, therefore you don't get invites to dinner any more! If your friend is your supposed best friend, do you have the right to feel somewhat annoyed or do you blame the his female friend.

What price loyalty?
Richard Nixon has a point!!

Dr Who in the NYT

New York Times: Must read article on Dr Who in the NYT of all papers, have my problem with the Liberal NYT but not when it comes to their Sci - Fiction coverage, on the ball as we say over the water. Read and Learn.