Friday, June 01, 2012

US Unemployment UP = 8.2%

BBC News: Reports that only sixty nine thousands jobs were created in May of this year in the US, thus the US Unemployment rate has gone up from 8.1% to 8.2%.

Lets Get Real:

This is a bloody disaster for the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, the last few months have seen a decline in the jobs created in the US, as the article notes the the projection for jobs created in March and April has been downgraded by 49,000. It will be interesting to see how the uber liberal main stream media runs this story, one can guess that they will run with other stories. It should be noted that the Congressional Budget Office has projected that US Unemployment will raise to 9% by the November election. If this projection happens then POTUS is toast, there would be no way back, the Oval must be hopping for some good news over the next few months, otherwise Obama will join this club, Hoover, Carter and Bush 41, one term Presidents. Lets recall folks, that Bush 41 did an excellent job when it came to Foreign Policy, but was still booted out, even Churchill lost in 1945 over the domestic agenda. Rhetoric only gets you so far folks.

Obama's WAR against Iran - Cyber Warfare

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama when coming in to office in 2009 hiked America's cyber attacks on Iran.

Lets Get Real:

One can postulate folks that this is another leak from the Obama White House, have these people never head of keeping secrets. On one level its good to know that the Oval sees the danger of a nuclear armed Iran and thus these cyber attacks, on the other the Oval has to get grip of these leaks. The worry is that Iran could use these leaked attacks as a way to justify their nuclear aims. Also as the article notes there is the problem that these cyber attacks could backfire and return to attack to Western security systems. Lets be real here, not everyone has the budget of the US Government to upgrade their security against cyber attack, and there are lot of cyber attacks in cyber space. Also the BIG question folks will these attack delay Iran in its aim to become a nuclear armed power, in that there is a division, as the article notes the attacks could have delayed Iran by over a year but then there are other views that the attacks had limited effect in the long term. If Israel thinks Iran is even a few months from getting the bomb it will attack, this blog would rather trust the Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad than even the CIA or MI6. Lets see what happens over the next few months folks.

The UK and Syria - Syrian Crisis

Guardian: Reports that the UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has stated that should the UN peace plan fail for Syria then all options are on the table.

Lets Get Real:

In the case of Syria folks the UK wont move a finger without the US going along, also it would help the Coalition Government if any action is approved by the UN Security Council as was the case with Libya. The US wont move in less Syria become a major civil war and a threat to the region. Also President Obama does not want to lose his liberal base, the Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq were not popular with the left, as Obama didn't end Iraq in a quick manner and his surge in Afghanistan have not gone down well with the extreme left in the US. Also it has to be asked does the US left support the fact that Obama is the last call on the use of drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It has to be asked is the US left happy with the fact that POTUS has used the drones more that Bush 43, also his leadership from behind in Libya is a negative either way, the left was not happy that the US was action and the right thought a President should lead from the front. Also the terror prison in Cuba is still open, in many respects Obama makes Clinton look like a uber liberal. It can be argued that the US left forgot that Obama is a Chicago Pol, they are not known for fighting fair, they fight to win.

US Military Action in Syria ?

Telegraph: Reports that the US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice has stated that block on the UN Security Council by Russia could not stop action being taken in Syria outside the remit of the UN.

Lets Get Real:

President Obama will only react when he cant defend the present policy of doing nothing, the US liberal left would go bonkers should Obama place troops in Syria, and folks it will take boots on the ground, this is not Libya, the Assad Regime is supported by Russia and Iran, and as the article notes the day after Houla a cargo ship arrived in Syria with weapons for the Assad Regime. Thus the Syrian low level Civil War will have to become a regional threat before the US, UK and France takes action, in other words folks Israel would have to become under threat before the US takes action, harsh and the most likely outcome

New Syrian Massacre - Qusair

BBC News: Reports that 13 factory workers have been killed near the Syrian village of Qusair, Syrian rebels blame the Assad Regime.

Lets Get Real:

Lets be brutal here folks, as long as Russia uses its VETO at the UN Security Council the Assad Regime can kill anyone it wants in Syria, and the World will not react, the Russians want to keep their warm water port in Syria, thus the Assad Regime with the help of Russia and Iran will carry on with its policy of mass killings because it knows that the US, UK and France will not take military action without UN support, in part in consequence due to the Iraq War but also due to the fact that Syria is not Libya, the Syrian Regime is lot more powerful when it comes to its military, also its getting military support from Russia and Iran. The Assad Regime if it thinks its going down could decide to attack Israel, thus start a regional War, this is the last thing POTUS wants before the US election in November. Thus folks don't hold your breath for some solution in Syria, its not going to happen soon, just expect more killing, more deaths of the innocent, while the world looks on in horror.