Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Assad MUST GO - Kerry - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

The Oval has cut off Secretary Kerry's unmentionables months ago, when the Secretary took the US to brink of War then Obama folded, this removes the big stick of the US, no one fears the US, and more important the allies of  THE US do not trust the word of President Obama.   As stated in previous post this is a PR for the press, its the World being seen to do something.   The US after its failure to take action has no role in Syria, it barely has a role in the Middle East.   The Oval is so keen for a deal with Iran over its nuclear plans that it is willing to sell out long term allies for a fake deal to take the issue off the table in till 2017 and leave the problem to the next President.   This is why the Middle East is in a mess, the decline of the US has seen the growth of Iran and Russia in the Middle East at the expense of Western and US interests, the Obama years will get a critical review by historians and this blog. 

NSA vs. Liberal ACLU - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The liberal left will just have to accept that President Obama will go so far, he will not risk his Presidency on making the crazy left wing of the US happy, if the Government releases highly secret information it can be read by the very threat that these schemes were created to combat.  The Oval does not want to get the blame if there is a another 9/11 because it was to weak when dealing with the left within the US and the Democratic Party.   When President Obama and his Administration does the right thing this blog will support such decisions, on the domestic side the Oval is just WRONG, but when it comes to the defence of Bush 43 security structure the Oval is the best PR man for that structure.  It is easy to be critical when your on the outside, when in your in the Oval you have to deal with the threats to the US, on this President Obama gets a A+ from this Blog. 

The Pointless Talks of Geneva 2 - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports on the negative tone of the talks between the Syrian Government and the Opposition at Geneva 2.

Lets Get Real:

This is PR for the press, the action is not in Europe, its in Syria, Iran and Russia, as long as Assad knows that the US will not take action and that he will be supported by Iran and Russia he will not give way, also on the battlefield the Government has pushed back the rebels, the rebels are fighting among themselves, between those that want a secular Syria and Al Qaeda groups in Syria, who want to turn Syria in to a Islamic State.    The people that are going to suffer are THE Syrian people, the other Countries in the region, the Al Qaeda elements in Syria are moving in to Iraq to add flames to the low level civil war, both Jordan and Lebanon are feeling the aftershock of the War in Syria, they have feed hundred of thousands of refugees and have to cope with the massive influx of people in their Country, also Turkey a NATO member has had terrorist attacks on its border areas.   This is what happens when you have a weak leader in the Oval.