Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Will Obama get a Challenge in 2012 from a Democrat ?

The New York Times: Reports on the dim prospects that a Democrat would challenge President Obama in 2012 for the Democratic nomination. At present its not on the horizon, Obama is still the first African - American President, and one of the most powerful political groups within the Democratic Party is African - American voters as noted by the article, if Obama was to be challenged the opponent would have to win, as failure would lead to political dustbin. Thus we come to Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State, will she throw her hat in to the ring, well lets recall Obama had a narrow win over then Senator Clinton in the 2008 Democratic race, and also we have the fact that Bill Clinton has and will never forgive the Obama Camp for using the race card on him in the 2008 race. The Clintons don’t like to lose, they will fight to the last second! Also should Obama win and go down to defeat in 2012 then Hillary Clinton can do a Reagan, in 1976 Reagan challenged President Ford but lost, but after four years of Carter the Republican Party and the Country turned to Reagan in 1980. That’s the winning example that both Clintons could live with, the negative would be when the late Senator Edward Kennedy challenged Carter and lost, he returned to the Senate and never ran for President again. Thus VIEWS prediction its to early folks, on the whole think Obama will be the Democratic Candidate for President but will lose big, in less he turns himself in to a tax cutter for all Americans, then all new ball game folks, does Obama have the ability to be that pragmatic?

Obama vs. The Democrats on the Hill

CNN News: Reports that House Democrats feel that they have been sold out by the Obama White House, that the Republicans have WON big and that Obama is not good at Congressional give and take that includes Democrats. NEWS to Democrats you lost the House in 2010, you’re a fiction, in political terms your dead and buried, it’s the Republican House in January, a House that Obama has to deal with or he is dead on the Hill. The Democrats bought this on themselves by passing health care and the Obama economic package against the wishes of the US voter. In harsh politic terms they don’t matter for the next two years, get used to that fact by Democratic friends.

Blair and the Legal Justification for the Iraq War

The Daily Mail: Reports the Iraq Inquiry want to discuss with Tony Blair the legal arguments for the War and those that thought the War was illegal. This is one of those iffy areas for Tony Blair, one can make the argument that Blair was going to War no matter what, legal or illegal, but pinning that on Blair will be quite hard, he had a good first talk with the Iraq Inquiry, one really cant see him admitting to any wrongdoing now, its far to late, to many years, to many deaths, far to late.

The Oval vs. The Dem Leaders in Congress

The Hill: Reports that both House and Senate Democratic Leaders are furious with the White House over its tax deal with the Republicans. This is the best news President Obama has had since winning the Presidency, the more the left go over the cliff the more Obama looks like a moderate when compared to extreme Liberals like Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. As in essence the tax deal keeps the tax levels as set by Bush 43 and cuts other taxes, the Republicans and Moderates on the whole approve the deal, also by the extension of unemployment cash for an extra 13 months the Republicans take the NASTY image way from the Party, think how the nasty image hurt the Conservative Party after 1997 election, out of power for 13 years. Even David Cameron by 2010 could not totally change that image, thus the present Coalition Government. Thus this is a win for Obama when it comes 2012 and for the Republican Leadership on the Hill when it comes to the Congressional Elections of 2012.

Tuition Fees VOTE on Knife Edge - House of Commons

The Guardian: Reports that Chris Huhne a Liberal Democrat Cabinet Minister will have to return home from an International Conference due to the fact that Labour wont pair one of their MPs so as to allow him to carry on his Cabinet responsibilities at a Conference. This is typical of the hollow leadership of Ed Miliband, short term tactical moves that could come back to hurt Labour in the future. The Liberal Democrats will see that Labour cant be grown up, thus Nick Clegg will see that he has no future in a possible Labour / Liberal Democrat Pact, the Labour Party is too tribal, that can be good to keep a Party together as happened when Labour was out of power for 18 years but can make for fraught relationships with other Parties. The Liberal Democrats will see that their boat is the Tory boat not Labour.

Tony Blair Recalled to Iraq Inquiry

BBC News: Reports that former Labour PM Tony Blair has been recalled to the Iraq Inquiry to give further evidence. As stated by this blog the Establishment is wanting to hang someone out to dry for the Iraq War, its never the Establishment, as Labour is out of power and Ed Miliband has stated that he wants to go beyond New Labour the Establishment will feel free to bury New Labour under the headstone of Iraq. Eden had Suez well Blair has Iraq, politics is a ruthless game.