The New York Times: Reports on increased US Special Forces for Iraq and Syria, " The Obama administration is preparing to broaden its military campaign .... by increasing the number of Special Operations forces who advise Syrian rebels, and it is also considering the addition of Army attack helicopters to the fight against militants in Iraq "
Lets Get Real:
IF only President Obama has listened to his military in 2011, but his ego was to much, he thought he knew IT all, and thus the birth of Daesh, and the moving of a secular revolt in Syria in to a religious fight. Long after Obama has left the White House to do paid speeches his successor will have to deal with the results. At the end of the day the retaking of Mosul will require US ground troops, the US and the Baghdad Government can not afford to lose when they try to retake Mosul. Thus house to house fighting and street fighting will require troops, it is only a matter of time before the US places ground troops back into Iraq, the Oval can call them what he wants, but they will be troops fighting.