Sunday, April 17, 2016

More US Forces for Iraq and Syria - Daesh Threat

Lets Get Real:

IF only President Obama has listened to his military in 2011, but his ego was to much, he thought he knew IT all, and thus the birth of Daesh, and the moving of a secular revolt in Syria in to a religious fight.    Long after Obama  has left the White House to do paid speeches his successor will have to deal with the results.    At the end of the day the retaking of Mosul will require US ground troops, the US and the Baghdad Government can not afford to lose when they try to retake Mosul.   Thus house to house fighting and street fighting will require troops, it is only a matter of time before the US places ground troops back into Iraq, the Oval can call them what he wants, but they will be troops fighting. 

Clinton on Trump - TV Advert - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This hard hitting advert is the type of advert the Democrats will run if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, thus the Republicans must grow up and smell the coffee, they need to select a candidate that can beat HRC, that is Governor Kasich.  The Democrats have the money to fight a dirty election, lets not give them the political arrows at the start. 

Republican Delegate Count - Election 2016

Guardian - US Politics Live:  Reports on the following Republican delegate count, " Trump 744, Cruz 559, Kasich 144  ".

Lets Get Real:

The Cruz Campaign is getting the delegates while the Trump Campaign is a big white shark out of its depth.  The only way the Republicans can win in November is for there to be a contested convention, with neither Trump or Cruz getting the right number of 1237 and the delegates finally going for a vote winner in the shape of Kasich, he would bring in Ohio, while he could pick Rubio has his VP.    Thus you have the road through the electoral maths to the Oval Office.   This long contest is starting to get slightly tedious. 

Cruz rolling in Republican Delegates - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Donald Trump calls Senator Cruz, lying Ted, well it seems Ted understands the rules of the Republican Party, the Republican Establishment loath Donald Trump they just hate Cruz.   Let's be honest the Establishment would like to to see both Trump and Cruz go on a one way trip to Mars together, they have the ego for the power thrust.   The Donald does not seem to care or want to understand the rules of the Republican Party, it does make one wonder how Trump become a billionaire, he did, he must understand Hotel construction better than politics.   IF it is a contest convention this blog is supporting Governor Kasich of Ohio.