Sunday, September 01, 2024

Israel at WAR with itself over Gaza - Gaza - Israel War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It is not the job of a Union to have its own foreign policy, this recalls the bad days of the 1970s in the UK.   One can understand the passion in wanting the hostages back, but not at  any cost, the Israeli IDF has to keep forces in Gaza or another 7th of October 2023 could happen.  The feelings of the protesters who have many family members of the hostages has to be respected, but the Israeli State cannot lose this war to HAMAS, they are terrorists and use hostages as blackmail. The West, in this case the US and the left have to understand, that you can and should not deal with terrorists or rogue nations.  This will sound harsh, but it is the reality of the facts on the ground. Israel needs to rebuild its security, to avoid more threats from Iran.

Where VP Harris stands on the issues - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The VP is a firm supporter of the Ukraine, has stated recently that Hamas should have no role in Gaza, the statement was tougher than the Biden Statement so far on Gaza.   On the American domestic side, she is supports abortion and is for tougher gun laws.   The problem is that she ran as a ULTRA LIBERAL in 2019/20, thus she has had to ditch some of her most liberal policies, such as the banning of fracking as that could cause her to lose in a Swing State.  The first interview by Harris was described as okay by a New York reporter on CNN, in other words they liberal media wont harp on the fact that she does not give interviews, her campaign do not trust her to be out by herself in a press conference.  It can be argued that she will have to give a major press conference sometime,  this is not 2020, and Biden hiding in his Bunker and the press giving him a free ride, they hated Trump so much, the still do.   The Debate with Trump is coming, that should be interesting, as a former Prosecutor Harris should walk all over him.  The VP cannot be worse that the Trump/Biden Debate, that cost Biden a 2nd term.