The New York Times: Reports on the growing support from Republicans for Senator Warren to be the Democratic nominee in 2016, the article notes the following " Ms. Warren represents Republicans’ best hope for an expensive, prolonged battle for the Democratic nomination, weakening Mrs. Clinton along the way, political operatives on both sides say. "
Lets Get Real:
In reality its only 2015, and we have nearly a year of this kind of commentary to come, the VERY LIBERAL NYT it seems is supporting the Clinton Camp, not by choice really but due to hard politics, they think that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee, thus they want to build bridges. If they could really chose they would go with Senator Warren or another Democratic African - American candidate. The NYT will spend the next two years trying to make sure that the Democrats pick their kind of Democrat or someone they can work with in the future. Thus expect calls for no one to challenge HC, that Party unity is important. On the other hand should Senator Warren run it will be hard for the liberal NYT, they will want to support her, but will know she would never get elected President, IF Warren runs and catches fire with the liberal base of the Democratic Party she could give HC a run for her money. THUS WARREN FOR THE DEMOCRAT NOMINATION