Monday, December 08, 2014

The CIA and Torture - P2 - The Bush Era

Lets Get Real:

The CIA will not forget this action by the Democrats, it is very unwise to make the intelligence community not happy, they can leak back, and make the Oval Office have two very bad years left.   It is no great shock that the Democrats have gone after the CIA, this is old news for them, they did the same thing in the 1970s, that badly damaged the CIA.  It took the Reagan Administration to get elected before the CIA got its grove back.     Of course they dare not go after the NSA, the NSA listens to everybody, and every one has something to hide, well they are Democrats.  The article notes the following on the view of the Obama White House, The drawn-out process has prompted speculation that the administration wants to outlast Feinstein’s tenure as chairwoman and prefers for committee Republicans, who consider the inquiry a wasteful witch hunt, "  Lets see how this play out over the next few days.  The Oval is smart, it does not want a war with the CIA or the NSA. 

US and Torture - Bush Era

Lets Get Real: 

The idea to release this report is a very BAD IDEA, it plays in to the hands of the terrorists, only self hating American leaders would want to see this reported released, it is a threat to CIA personnel around the World.  It does not matter that a few terrorists were given a HARD TIME, from reports no one was killed, and information gotten helped in the War on Terror.  The Republicans next year should report on the Obama drone strikes, lets see how the Democrats like have a light on the less noble aspects of the Obama Administration.   This blog supports drone strikes 24/7, but everything is political in D.C.. lets play hardball with the Obama Administration, lets see how their drone strikes are done, doubt it would pass the smell test, they are Chicago pols after all, Senate reports are a double edge sword. 

The Bush White House and the CIA - The Bush Era

Lets Get Real:

IT is easy to be critical after the event, after 9/11 the US Government feared another attack, thus they used torture, its not nice, but then when you murder around three thousand people in a day, the reaction is not going to follow the rule of law.    The Oval Office under Bush 43 prevented other attacks on the US, the CIA did its job.   This is why Democrats are not trusted on national security, they do not have the backbone to protect the US, they would rather see terrorists go free than use drones on them, in this case President Obama is doing the right thing, he has become the King of Drone strikes, as he stated to his staff he is rather good at killing, its odd liberal left are very quiet about the drone strikes of President Obama, when innocent people are killed, but get their knickers in a twist over someone being in water for thirty seconds.   If your a terrorist, what are you afraid off, waterboarding or a Obama drone strike.