Fox News: Reports " Hillary Clinton said in a new interview that her inability to run on an "agenda of change," coming off of President Barack Obama's two terms, was a significant problem for her 2016 campaign. "
Lets Get Real:
Thus far Hillary Clinton has blamed everyone from the FBI to the Russians for her defeat, it is not fair to blame President Obama, this blog had issues with the Obama Administration but it has to be said that President Obama stated his legacy was on the line in 2016 and supported HRC as best he could. Let's recall that in modern history only one VP has been the successor to his boss, the President, that was Bush 41 who took over from President Reagan. In 2000 Al Gore the sitting Vice President lost to Bush 41, in 2008 Senator McCain lost to President Obama, and it can be argued that Bill Clinton and Obama are rather good politicians. It would be interesting to study what President Reagan did different from his successors that allowed his VP to win, a Ph.d of worthy of study.