Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Conservatives AHEAD by 4% over Labour - Poll

Lets Get Real:

This is good news for the Conservative Party after the scandals and forced resignations.  The left wing media pundits are fighting the next election as if it was the last election, the same mistake that old Generals do in Wartime.   Of course the polls could be wrong or the UK voter does not have a tax death wish and does not want Corbyn anywhere near No 10.  The Budget today was good for first time buyers with houses under three hundred thousand, no tax on them, but what about TAX CUTS for the wealthy, that is how you increase money in the economy.   The Government should have taken a swing at taxes, personal and business rates.   The Conservative Government is walking on hot coals, best to make a run for it, low taxes etc, than just go coal by coal.  TAX CUTS ARE THE FUTURE. 

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