Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Conservatives still LEAD Labour in new poll - UK Election 2024

Lets Get Real:

Our Boris is doing well even with the COVID - 19 virus and endless Brexit talks going on and on.  The Labour Party has elected a solid leader IN Sir Keir Starmer, but he has to take on the left for the voters to trust him.  One way to show that he is NOW the leader would be to throw out the former Leader Jeremy Corbyn, he lead the Labour Party to its worse election result since 1935.   The UK voter wants Brexit DONE and for the Country to get over COVID - 19.   Thus so far so good for Boris, keep it up PM. 

The NEED for drug supplies though BREXIT - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

You lucky people, did you think I would leave you without a BREXIT story!!

Lets Get Real:

The pharmaceutical firms in the UK should be doing the above without the UK Government having to tell them.  It is there commercial interest to have the products need by the NHS.  Also the patients of the NHS will need their medical support through out Brexit.  The UK Government has to be firm with these companies, it can not leave it for the last minute, what if the EU causes because they have not gotten the deal they wanted, if the place blocks on drugs coming to the UK form the EU.   The French fisherman are acting up on being blocked from UK waters after Brexit, the EU can not be trusted, so UK companies get ready, have supplies on hand, things could get nasty after December 31st.