Monday, January 16, 2023

The TRANS DEBATE - UK vs Scotland - Culture/Political

Lets Get Real:

The King should not be dragged in to this, it's a argument between the rest of the UK and Scotland, as to the move by UK Government this blog supports the move and would suggest 21 should be the minimum age before someone can change their gender in legal terms.   This blog was an idiot before it turned 21, it was simple and did not understand the real world, therefore 21 should be the starting age for such change.  The Scottish First Minister has lost the plot, she has started to believe her own spin, never a good by a politician and she wants to make Scotland Independent of the rest of the UK, this blog is not sure that she could win a referendum on the issue, is this a case of the left going well off the reservation and knowing that FACT.  Good move by the UK Government, so who holds the power, and it's not the Scottish Parliament when it comes to this issue.  

NO Visitor Logs for Biden Home - Fox News - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is either good luck or bad luck for POTUS depending on your perspective, on this one this blog would give Biden a pass, the house is his private residence, who takes logs on people going in and out of a private residence.  The Republicans will make hay out of this, they want to and create the impression that classified files were open to any can see, if the President's son Hunter Biden.  The Democrats are caught behind the 8ball, either they defend the President or they look weak by all coming to his defence.  One is sure the Special Counsel will be asking did the President know about the classified files in his own home, either no or yes are bad answer, if he didn't know, one must ask what does he know, or yes means that he broke the law.  This case is a get of jail card for Trump, does not matter how much the liberal elite media say that the cases are different, either charge both of them or cut bait, and that will be the decision of the US Attorney General.