Thursday, February 25, 2016

Trump LEADS in Florida - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

IF Rubio can not keep his own State then its over for that Campaign, first up in that contest is Senator Cruz in Texas, two recent polls have Cruz ahead, IF Cruz can win Texas and Rubio in Florida then the Republican contest could go to the Republican Convention, then anybody could win, this blog has doubts that it will go that way, the Republicans have to learn to be fond of the Donald, make him part of the Establishment, then curb his more right wing views, of course the question is can the Donald be controlled, one would SAY NO, thus if Rubio can Cruz can not win other States the Republicans will just have to accept the Donald, yes its that bad, he could win the Oval, then the Republicans will worry, its not easy choice the Donald or HRC, one will need a drink in November for election night!!

The Donald and the Republican Establishment - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus can Conservatives learn to love the Donald, or at least not dislike him, that is a hard question, this blog has made it clear that it would support HRC over the Donald, but that was before HRC went extreme left to counter Senator Sanders.  At least the Donald is DIRECT, painful direct and very honest, can D.C take such a President.  Although some of the polices suggested by Trump are racist, banning Muslims from coming to the US, one can see how the Establishment could tune such views down or suggested different paths to reach the same goal, that is the national security of the US.   This blog is not sold on the Donald yet, but the more HRC goes left the more this blog is left to return to the Trump.    Cruz would be a disaster as a President, Rubio would be good, but can he win any States, including his own.   Next week should be interesting, a lot of States go to vote, lets see how the Donald does. 

Trump's First 100 Days in the Oval - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Let's hope this prediction is wrong, the Syrian Crisis needs a strong President who will take the fight to the Russians, that does not mean WAR, it means making sure that the Russian Bear understands that there is a new man in the Oval and that his words will be followed by force.   One would wish for  A President Trump that takes an active interest in Syria and allows the US military to WIN in Syria, there needs to be no fly zones, free fire zones that allow the US special forces to take out the terrorist threat.   ON the whole this blog could support a President Trump that followed the outline of this article, not sure the Guardian was looking for that result. 

Romney on Trump - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

WHY, WHY has former Governor Romney done this attack on Trump, it could be sour grapes that he did not win in 2012, when he should have won after Obama's first term, or he could be throwing a dice for the Republican Establishment, who do not like Trump and wish either Rubio or Cruz to the be the 2016 Nominee for the Republicans, the Trump has not reacted well to these comments, as the article notes, Mr Trump has hit back calling the ex-governor "one of the dumbest and worst candidates" in Republican history. ".   I think it can be agreed that Trump is a billionaire, his buildings show that, Trump is Trump after all, would a President Trump be that BAD?