Monday, September 19, 2011

President Obama and Tax Hikes

Pure class warfare folks, a Campaign speech for the base not about the US, ego and hubris folks. Obama on welfare and tax hikes, “ And I will veto any bill that changes benefits for those who rely on Medicare but does not raise serious revenues by asking the wealthiest Americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share. We are not going to have a one-sided deal that hurts the folks who are most vulnerable. ”. President Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a economic conservative.

Make or Break TIME for Greece

Guardian: Reports on a expected deal breaking call between the Greek Government and the EU/IMF, the article states the following, “ country's financial future would rest on a make-or-break conference call with EU and IMF officials on Monday. ”. At the end of the day the EU,IMF will have to ask themselves do they trust Athens to follow through with the tough demands of the EU/IMF as to allow Greece to get another part of the bailout. If by now Greece has not followed through with previous promises, how can you trust them, is the EU/IMF throwing good money down the toilet. The Greek political system is a mess, its welfare system is out of control, retirement in your 50s, jobs for life. The entire Greek system is a fraud, the people that will suffer will be the poor Greek people. If Greece stays in the Euro it will suffer, the elite wont feel the pain but the good people of Greece wont see the light for a long time. Time for the people to march in peaceful demos, show the power of democracy and bring down the Government if they care more about France and Germany.

50,000 Greek public sector workers SACKED ?

Telegraph Live: Reports on the latest moves by the Greek Government to make sure they get bailed out by the EU, IMF and the ECB, the Greek Government will cut pay in the public sector and sack fifty thousand workers, there are other eye watering measures. The question that has to be asked is can the Greeks be trusted, is this another Trojan Horse, what seen as a victory, is just a faint as to give the Greeks more time before they default. The Greeks have not meet their previous agreements when it comes to austerity, so why should they be trusted NOW, they cant, time to pull the plug folks, its becoming a farce, the Greeks will never reform, they cant, as long as they are in the Euro the Euro is under threat, and so in many respects is the EU.

Greece and the IMF

BBC News: Reports that the IMF has told Greece that it needs a more efficient way to collect taxes and there needs to be deeper public spending cuts. How much pain can Greece take to defend the Euro, at what point does the Greek Government care about the Greek people and not Germany and France, the Markets all over the world have been tanking due to the idea that Greece will default in the near future, well if its going to happen, then Greece might well take the punch and return to its previous currency, then it can control its destiny, then the bailouts that would have gone to Greece would be sent to cover banks with Greek debt, also ease Greece out of the Euro. Otherwise Greece is money Zombie, eating Euro funds, and it will not end well folks.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the Soldier was a “ Royal Marine from 42 Commando Royal Marines ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 382 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 338 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.