Sunday, February 12, 2012

Violent Protests in Athens, Greece

Guardian: Reports the following from Greece, “ Police fired teargas at protesters outside the Greek parliament as MPs began debating the deeply unpopular bailout deal … ”. The Police have to come down hard on those that use violence to protest, a General Strike is one thing, that is the withdrawal of labour, the use of violence to gain a political point is not Democratic, the protesters should use their number to place pressure on Greek MPs to do the right thing, losing a vote is important to politicians, thus political pressure YES, NEVER violence.

The Destruction of Greece ?

Telegraph: Reports that the Greek PM Lucas Papademos has in essence stated that Greece is a vote away from destruction if the Greek Parliament does not pass his EU demanded austerity plan. If the plan got Greece back on its feet then this would blog would have no problem with it, but it does nothing of the kind, Greece will still be in debt, the Greek economy will further retract, thus more government spending on welfare, thus more money needed from the Troika, thus the EU/IMF/ECB will get more annoyed with Greece, and will demand more cuts, yes you get the idea folks. This is austerity plan to nowhere, just more suffering for the Greek people.

A - Day for Greek Parliament

BBC News: Reports that the Greek Parliament is debating the latest Austerity Plan by the Greek Government. The Bill is expected to pass folks, the Coalition Government of the right and left wing Parties of Greece have been frightened by the EU in to selling out Greece in favour of the EU. The latest plan wont get Greece back on its feet, even with the cuts Greece is expected to have a debt of 120% vs. its Gross Domestic Product, that all that Greece produces, if the Greek Government had any backbone it would default and save the Greek people from years or EU austerity, at least with a Greek austerity it would be the Greek Government in charge not the Germans and the French. Shame of the Greek MP's who support this latest austerity plan.