Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Reagan or LBJ for America

CNN News: Article on how those that worked or supported either Reagan or LBJ are back in the political trenches, Reagan supporters see the Obama Economic Plan as another Great Society 11, while LBJ supporters think Obama is following on from LBJ. In policy terms Obama is closer to LBJ than Reagan, in fact Reagan was critical of LBJ for the debt that the Great Society had created. Obama has allowed the left to hijack his agenda, his Stimulus Act was written by the Liberal Congressional Leadership. As has been noted by historians, the New Deal of FDR did not work, it took World War Two to get the USA out of the Great Depression. The Great Society might have helped a few but looking at the African - American community one has to ask, what about those that it left behind, singe parents, lack of jobs, lack of high standard education, bad schools, high level of African - American men in jail. Thus what was great about the Great Society. It was Reagan and his tax cuts that turned the USA around in the 80s. These tax cuts and heavy defence spending helped all ethnic groups and genders.

On the political front Obama is the heir to Reagan as in communication, is he the next Great Communicator, well that to early to say, the left wing press is all over him, he can do no wrong. Its when the press turn on him we will see if Obama is a empty suit. The press will turn on Obama, and it can be postulated that the issue will be Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Elite Media is weak, they don't have a backbone, they can pick up a drink but being critical of Obama takes a morale courage, lets face it the media covered up for Kennedy and his affairs and supported Bill Clinton through Impeachment. Thus like Vietnam broke LBJ it will be Afghanistan that could break Obama. Its a War that will cost in money and blood, the left wing media will start to be critical if Obama is still there before the next election. The experts agree there will be heavy fightig in Afghanistan this year, thus a lot of American body bags going home. How long before the Media starts to call Afghanistan the New Vietnam. Its when it gets tough that we will see if Obama is a Great Communicator.

Talking with Iran!

Fox News: Reports on a different tone out of Iran, President Ahmadinejad has stated that he is open to talks with President Obama. Before Liberals start to crow that the Obama outreach has worked lets get one thing clear, this could all be a strategic and political game by Iran. The Religions leader of Iran; the man with the power; Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has stated that the USA has to change its policy when it comes to its relationship with Israel, in other word the USA has to stop supporting Israel. This is a non starter in US Foreign Policy and Political terms. Thus one has to ask why this bolt face by Ahmadinedjad, its simple there is a Presidential Election in Iran this year, the moderates Iran have formed one group, thus no splitting the vote, the President is under threat. Thus this sudden change of tone, its a trick, even if Iran did agree to talks, they would be like North Korea, endless and tedious, they would play the clock out, when the USA though it had a deal about a nuclear armed Iran, Iran would announce it had the bomb. Think weakness of Obama over the Communist North Korea and double it over Iran. Iran is protected by Russia in the UN. Iran owes Russia money, thus Russia will support Iran. On the political front the President of Iran will look moderate through the election cycle and then if he wins will revert to type. Lets hope Obama recalls his Chicago political roots, lets hope he does not turn in another Jimmy Carter.

Missile Defense Cuts - No From Congress ?

Fox News: Reports that Congress is fighting a rearguard action in opposition to cuts in the USA Missile Defense Programmes. The recent North Korean launch and the threat from Iran should be a warning to the Obama Administration, Ronald Reagan could see the threat from the 1980s. It should be noted that Reagan offered to share SDI with the then USSR. Thus it could be argued that the USA needs a strong missile defence strategy. Obama stated in Prague the following, " The Czech Republic and Poland have been courageous in agreeing to host a defense against these missiles. As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defense system that is cost-effective and proven. " Thus Obama did state that if Iran was no longer a threat there would be no need for the missiles to be placed in Eastern Europe, the Democrats have been opposed to SDI and the Son of Star Wars since the start, during the Clinton period they cut spending, Obama wants the same thing but he cant with Iran and North Korea. Thus Obama hopes to do a deal with Russia, if Russia can place pressure on Iran not to go nuclear then the USA wont place the missile defence in Eastern Europe. The problem with view is that it wont work, Iran will have seen how much attention North Korea got with its missile launch. Thus expect Iran to go nuclear and to get the missile plans from North Korea. At the end of the day Obama might have no choice but to attack Iran, if he does not take action he will face the nightmare that Israel will take action, that could lead to a regional war.

The Results of the Obama Trip

Telegraph: A article on the results of the Obama World Tour. Toby Harnden writes the following, " But Mr Obama returns to the United States with few demonstrable results to show for his tireless efforts to woo Europe... ". The G20 was a victory for the France and Germany, the end result was a call for more regulation, at NATO Obama didn't get one extra combat soldier, in Prague North Korea announced in all but name that it was part of the nuclear club. In Turkey Obama started to get tough questions from the White House Press Core, it was interesting as it took Obama back to World War One, also France made it clear that Obama had to keep his nose out of EU business. In Iraq Obama must worry that the Bush surge will turn to dust in his hands if Iran starts to play games in Iraq. Thus the elite press might love him, and this he is the secular second coming, the reality of international politics does not have time for such pandering.

Get Together Iraq - Obama!

Courtesy of the White House: President Obama in Iraq.

The New York Times: Reports on President Obama's statements that the different factions in Iraq have to work together. Iraq has been a success due to the Bush surge of 2007, the political elites have to come together and work to form one Iraqi nation, President Obama stated the following as reported on the White House Blog to the troops in Iraq, " you have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country....It is time for us to transition to the Iraqis.... They need to take responsibility for their country and for their sovereignty.... And in order for them to do that, they have got to make political accommodations. They're going to have to decide that they want to resolve their differences through constitutional means and legal means. They are going to have to focus on providing government services that encourage confidence among their citizens...All those things they have to do. We can't do it for them....And so just as we thank you for what you've already accomplished, I want to say thank you because you will be critical in terms of us being able to make sure that Iraq is stable, that it is not a safe haven for terrorists, that it is a good neighbor and a good ally, and we can start bringing our folks home...." Thus the oil revenue has to be shared, and the different regions of Iraq have to feel that they are represented at the centre. To miss quite JFK about Vietnam, its their country and they have to want to work together. Iran will be looking for chances to cause problems over the year, they want to be nuclear armed, but the USA will use all its power to prevent that development, Iran by placing pressure on Iraq can divert attention form Iran to Iraq. Also they might try to get a deal, no action in Iraq and they get to become a nuclear power. It can be postulated that Obama could never deliver Israel for that deal. Thus expect as Iran gets closer to the bomb, that Iraq will get more violent, expect diplomatic feelers for a deal. Lets see if Obama can stand up to Iran, he has not stood up to North Korea.