Friday, September 28, 2007

Bush, France and the World

Washington Post: A very interesting article that looks how the new French President has changed the agenda, no longer appeasement to threats, how this helps Bush with Iran. Must Read.

Russian Revolution

BBC: Reports that the Missing bones of two children of the Last Tsar of Russia have been found. The bones of Alexei and Maria where missing from the rest of the family. The case is now closed, 1918 - 2007.


New York Times: Today the United States Senate urged the Bush Administration to state that the Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran is a terrorist group. The Democrats are so afraid of the left they dithered so the got a water down resolution. NYT cant help itself goes on about the need for diplomatic talks, we have had that with Europe, its all hot air, very much like the NYT these days.

British Political Blogs Update

Update of British Blogs that are a must read:

Gudio: Has the result of the Conservative Race to be the candidate to fight K.L for Mayor. Its Mr Politics/Media himself, Boris Johnson. This will be fun race.

Iain Dale's Diary: Has an interesting story that Alex Salmond, yes that Alex Salmond of Scotland and Westminster might run against Gordon Brown if he calls an election. Agree with Iain on this why enter a fight you cant win, plus he is First Minister of Scotland. GB would have fun fighting him, would be a Brown landslide.