Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Drones, Iran and Al Qaeda - 2nd Obama Term

Guardian: Reports the following on the revelation that there is a secret US drone base in Saudi Arabia, the article notes the following, " The revelation of the CIA drone base in Saudi Arabia was seized on by Iran, where state media highlighted the story. It is also likely to be grasped as an opportunity by jihadi groups.. ". 

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the the enemies of US and Western interests will use this story to show that Oval is breaking international law, the previous leak of the legal opinion for the drone strikes shows that the Oval has a leak problem.   Someone with high security pass is leaking this stuff folks, lets hope the FBI is called in to investigate as this is a threat to US National Security.   As the Clinton scandal showed if a elite magazine wont run a story there are other areas for a story to come out.   In many respects this might help Obama, not with the New York Times, Guardian types but with those in the centre and those on the  right.   This blog has always supported the use of drone strikes, it has some major reservations about the ground operation but as a tool it has been great, the old Al Qaeda has been destroyed, of course the problem is that now it has become a franchise, thus bases are opening up in Yemen, and in Western Africa, as with the case of Mali.    The use of drones will carry on after the Obama Administration folks, the US and the World can not afford another 9/11 in the US or 7/7 in the UK. 

Drones and Saudi Arabia - 2nd Obama Term

BBC News: Reports that the 1st Obama Administration built a secret drone base in Saudi Arabia, and used that base to kill a US Citizen and leading Al Qaeda  terrorist, Anwar al-Awlaki. 

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the uber elite left wing media have covered for Obama over his two election cycles, now its nailing him to the wall, its simple folks, they wanted to elect the first Africa - American President, that has happened, what is most important to the print and tv media is that people either buy hard copies or hit the web sites of the newspapers or for tv actually watch news that get adverts.   Thus the Oval should be aware that it is no longer protected by the elite news media, they will go after a scandal, the liberal NYT is stuck in a hard place, as my recent post shows, one the one hand Obama is compared to Bush 43 due to the legal opinion of the Obama Administration when it comes to drones, but it does not call for any real action.   Any reader with a brain knows that if Obama was a Republican the NYT would be going after the Oval like fury.    Thus the mildest of rebukes by the uber liberal NYT, while Obama acts like a Chicago Godfather, even the TV West Wing's President had some pause,  in the real word Obama is like guy with a new computer game, the use of drones has increased under Obama, the death toll has risen.   Thus no more complaints from Democrats about Bush 43, they can jump off a cliff as far as this blog is concerned, they are two faced etc, lets hope Obama knows when to pull that switch and when to wait, a few innocent people have been killed along the way, lets try to reduce those losses Oval. 

Is Obama another Bush 43? - NYT

Lets Get Real: 

It is interesting folks, when it was Bush 43 the liberal left wanted impeachment hearings, it wanted the lawyers struck off, but because it is President Obama, there some critical reaction, but not the great noise from the left wing media.   This is why the liberal left wing media is not trusted, if your a Democrat the media will cover for you, just look at he Edwards case,  or the late Senator Edward Kennedy, if your a Republican your guilty and have to prove your innocent.  Think folks if it has been Bush 43 killing US Citizens the print and tv liberal news would have been all over it, not so with this, and it can be argued that the actions of the Oval in this case is worse, people died, yes terrorists, but from the left wing view they should have been arrested and tried, not just killed by Presidential approval.   The blog supports a strong Presidency, but lets have balanced in the reporting, if your going to raise hell if the President is a Republican, then do the same when its a President with D by his name.   The press should at least try balance, otherwise it will go down the toilet.  

Obama's Defence for Drones - Tony Blair

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks if your in the OVAL start to worry, the last thing you need for your argument for the use of drones is that the strategy had the approval of the Blair Administration, if that is the best they can do the Oval needs new lawyers.    In many respects and Blair and Obama came in to office with great good will and hope, and looked what happened, its fair to say that Blair is one of the most unpopular PM's in modern times after the failure of Iraq and the losses of UK Personnel in Afghanistan,  also the shady actions of MI6 in its dealing with Gaddafi's Libya after 9/11.   This blog supports the drone strikes, it has been very effective in taking out the terrorist threat in Afghanistan and Pakistan, innocent people have been killed folks, lets not hide that fact, its a dirty business the War on Terror, what is ironic is that Democrats who shouted from the roof tops about Bush 43 are supporting a President who puts some Chicago Godfathers to shame, the kill list approval ends with POTUS, the Oval has almost shouted it from the roof tops, after his 2nd term Obama could go in to acting, there needs to be a new Godfather series, as POTUS has given the order in real life he should be at home giving the order on screen. 

Godfather Obama and the Drone Strikes - War on Terror

Guardian: Reports on the leaked Obama legal memo that gives legal cover for POTUS to kill US Citizens that are Al Qaeda terrorists, the article notes the following, " But in a number of areas, it controversially appears to give considerable flexibility to administration officials to define key issues. ".

Lets Get Real: 

As stated before folks, its sometimes actions in the 1st term of a two term President that come back to haunt him, with Nixon it was Watergate, with Reagan it was Iran - Contra, of course with Bill Clinton it was his affair.   In the second term of Bush 43 it was the mess in Iraq, and then decision of the surge.   The use of drones is coming back to haunt Obama, the Republicans are acting like doves, wanting to place pressure on Obama, while Democrats have to become extreme hawks to justify the actions of the Oval.  This blog  supports the drones strikes, it would have been nice to take these terrorists in to custody and get some info out of them before killing them but sometimes you just have to be brutal.  It is ironic that the Democrats went on about the torture of the Bush 43 years, at least no one died due these torture actions, while the same can not be said of the Godfather Obama drone strikes.   The UN is looking in to these drone strikes, it would be ironic if Obama become the NEW LBJ, a liberal undone by his actions in foreign policy.  History has way of biting you on the backside if you think you control history.