Guardian: Reports the following on the revelation that there is a secret US drone base in Saudi Arabia, the article notes the following, " The revelation of the CIA drone base in Saudi Arabia was seized on by Iran, where state media highlighted the story. It is also likely to be grasped as an opportunity by jihadi groups.. ".
Lets Get Real:
Thus folks the the enemies of US and Western interests will use this story to show that Oval is breaking international law, the previous leak of the legal opinion for the drone strikes shows that the Oval has a leak problem. Someone with high security pass is leaking this stuff folks, lets hope the FBI is called in to investigate as this is a threat to US National Security. As the Clinton scandal showed if a elite magazine wont run a story there are other areas for a story to come out. In many respects this might help Obama, not with the New York Times, Guardian types but with those in the centre and those on the right. This blog has always supported the use of drone strikes, it has some major reservations about the ground operation but as a tool it has been great, the old Al Qaeda has been destroyed, of course the problem is that now it has become a franchise, thus bases are opening up in Yemen, and in Western Africa, as with the case of Mali. The use of drones will carry on after the Obama Administration folks, the US and the World can not afford another 9/11 in the US or 7/7 in the UK.