Monday, July 09, 2018

Review of PM May's Day in the House of Commons - Update 4 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

In Guardian speak this means that PM May had a good day in the House of Commons.  One would think that a BAD day could have been a disaster, but it seems that there are not enough votes for a no confidence vote in the PM, thus PM has struck some luck.   Also she has bought the Cabinet back in to line, no more leaks or Ministers thinking that they can say what the like and with no reaction.   There is old saying, is better to be lucky than right, PM May might have the prize, just lucky!!

Critics of the Johnson Resignation - Update 3 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

While the minute by minute Conservative fight is interesting, the real story is that PM May has made her mind up, she is going for a SOFT Brexit, the UK will be a Customs Union and Single Market, even if it is called something else.   It can be expected that PM May will have to make more concessions to the EU.   The main prize is getting out of the EU, once the UK is out and a new Government is formed after the next general election, it can change the structure, one can almost argue that the next election will be ONLY about Brexit.   This is going to go on for the next three months, I need my Prozac. 

Why did Boris Johnson Resign - Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The above is the PR action of the Boris Johnson campaign for him to become PM.   The Conservative Party does not approve of political knifes in the back, those that do it never become leader.  It is reported on BBC News that 48 MPs have sent letters asking for a No Confidence vote in the PM. While Sky News reports that it might be true, the Chairman of the 1922 is keeping quiet.  The next few hours will be absorbing, will there be other resignations from the Cabinet or from the Government, how much water can the PM take on before it is over, even Lady Thatcher faced that moment. 

Boris Johnson OUT as Foreign Secretary - Update - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

It looks like PM May will face a leadership contest, if Boris Johnson wants to be PM, this might be his only chance.   The May plan for the EU is falling apart, one wonders if other Cabinet Ministers will resign, do they carry on with a ship taking water or do they bring the PM down.   The BBC News reports that the PM is under threat of other resignations if she does not juck her plan.  Interesting few hours and days ahead for the May Government. 

Latest BBC News update of the political crisis faced by PM May - Update