Thursday, November 22, 2018

UK - EU Draft Agreement on the future relationship - Brexit Update - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The showing in the House of Commons this afternoon shows that the Conservative MPs will not support the agreement, that also goes for the Labour Party, DUP, and other Parties.   Thus the question WHY is the PM forcing the issue, it has been suggested by this blog and others that the PM expects the deal to be defeated at the first attempt in the House of Commons but will come back when the markets crash and dare the House of Commons to reject it for a 2nd time.   This is a very risky move.  The Speaker showed his hand by allowing critics of the PM to have a majority of the time at the start, so the Government can not expect any help there.    As a Conservative this blog does not believe in revolution or anything drastic, thus with major concerns this blog will support the DEAL.   After March 2019 the Conservative Government under a Brexit leader can have another look at the agreement, better to take a half loaf now than no loaf.   God only knows what Churchill or Thatcher would have made of this mess. 

Read the Future Deal here: