Thursday, October 25, 2007

Iran and the Media

Lets have a look at what the Beltway Echo is on Iran.

Washington Post: The post hits the nail on the head, " Iran has become the new Iraq " Hillary Clinton is smart enough to know that she cant box herself in as a peace nick when it comes to Iran or the 2008 election is over. Those that oppose her from Obama to Edwards wont win, that is the hard fact, the press wont say it, they need a political race, they have to justify their bar pills. The Liberal Media Elite in its own way because it hates the Bush Administration beyond its hatred of Richard Nixon wants to box in the next President, they want a Democratic President. Hillary Clinton I hope wont play their silly game, as possibly the next President she might have to deal with Iran and take military action.

Boston Globe
: One word folks, Appeasement, what an Editorial, like something out of the 1930s. Here is what BG thinks is a good policy, " The threats from Bush and Cheney only make it harder to determine whether there is any deal Iran would accept to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons. " The paper is missing the point, the West should define the deal that protects the interest of the West full stop. To be honest I don't care about the Security of Iran, only within a context of Western Security. Read this editorial to understand the American left, be very afraid for the security of the West if they had any influence of American Foreign Policy.

Iran Sanctions

BBC: Reports the USA will place sanctions on the Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and other assets, military to economic. These should be smart sanctions, we don't want another reply of the BBC showing the sanctions hurting the people of Iran. These sanctions should hurt the government structure and their assets. This has some recall of what happened with Iraq, but Bush does not have have decade to change the administration in Iran. If the sanctions don't work, then a major naval blockaded of Iran must be considered. This should have a limited time span. If the Government or the people fail to react then a heavy limited Strikes should take place within Iran. The Clock has started and it is not early in the process, time for peace is not long, there can only be one winner and that has to be the West.


BBC: A guide to Afghanistan, worth a read.

NATO and Afghanistan

BBC: Reports that NATO countries are to give more support to the NATO mission. I want their troops to take some of the burden, fed up with the UK and the USA doing the heavy lifting. Our troops are in constant battle, but it seems we have been shafted ( VIEWS HAS VERY STRONG VIEWS ABOUT THIS MISSION ) by our supposed friends. This is the time for Europe to get off its backside and help.

Thatcher and Reagan

Margaret Thatcher Foundation: Has links to many documents that cover the Thatcher - Reagan period. To this day VIEWS is surprised that the BBC had not done a show on these very important and interesting documents.

Vietnam Records

A interesting site for a curious reader. Previous secret files from the Vietnam Era. It is from the past that we can learn about the present and future.

The Vietnam War Declassification Project

British Blogs Update

A look at the main Political Blogs read by VIEWS:

: Is looking at the disaster that was the Scottish Election Process. Our own Little Florida of 2000.

Iain Dale
: Has a very interesting post on the attempt to suppress Blogging in Italy. MUST READ OF THE DAY.

Xmas Vote ?

CNN: Reports on the mess that is the process that will select the next President of the United States. Those candidates running for President in the Republican and Democratic race might as well cancel their Xmas festivities, with Iowa going for January 3rd and New Hampshire even considering going in December. What a way to run a selection process. This looks like Florida 2000 again, how fun that was, NOT!!.

The Real Senate at Work!!

The New York Times: Has a fuller Report on the Bush victory of getting a Judge passed by the Senate. Good Reporting by the NYT, it was a deal, the Judge got passed but the Republicans would help the Democrats on some issues. This is how the Senate should work, making the place work is not meant to be pretty. THE NYT could not help itself, went through the reasons why the Judge should not have been approved, have a wild guess all Liberal concerns. All good issues but nothing to do with the competence of the Judge.

The Past is the Future ?

If you look in to the past you see yourself, is the USA the modern Rome. Are we seeing the Bush and Clinton Dynasties as the successors to their Roman kin. The reader will be wondering where this post is going and why the title. Simple Reader, lost books from the Roman period could be found in Herculaneum, thus the past is the future.

The Times
: Reports the following, " Archaeologists have resumed their search for a library of Greek and Latin masterpieces that is thought to lie under volcanic rock at the ancient Roman site of Herculaneum. " This is great reporting by the Times, over the years it has followed such events and recalled to our jaded eyes that we are part of a long history. The past is the future.

Victory for Bush

CNN: Interesting article, President George W. Bush has gotten a controversial Judge approved by the Senate. The Liberals of course opposed the nomination, thus those running for President on the Democrat side voted against the nomination. It does not matter if a Judge is good these days, in the mind of the left, he has to support their views of the world or they will go on the attack. Bush is not quite a Lame Duck President, but it will come that's politics.

The War that will Never End

The Guardian: 9/11 is a day that nearly three thousand people died due to an act of Terrorism. The Liberal and left wing Media, due to their hatred of Bush cant deal with the threats from Islamic Terrorists or the threat from Iran. They seek to place blame on the USA. Its sad but more important its foolish, the Bush Administration has done what needed to be done.

Terror and the Elite Media

LA Times: Its nice to see the loony left at it again, this time its the LA Times. They are opposed to the confirmation of the New Attorney General because he is more interested in the security of the United States not if the LA Times likes him. The Paper wrote the following, " This confirmation vote should be about torture. It is truly a defining issue, not just of the meaning of torture but of the very character of our country. It is the issue that distinguishes a nation fighting for the rule of law from a nation that is a threat to it. If members of the Senate consider torture to be immoral, they must vote against Mukasey. " The New Attorney General refused to surrender the security of the USA to the left wing media. These are tough times, if VIEWS had UBL in custody, Water Boarding would be least of his worries. These are terrorists they give no quarter they should expect no quarter. They have to be hunted down, information got out of them and then thrown in jail and the key thrown away.


The Guardian: Interesting attempt to place the conflict in Iraq within the context of the 2008 Presidential race and its effect on the Democrats. Its off beam if it thinks John Edwards or Bill Richardson can win the Democratic Nomination. This is for Hillary Clinton to lose not for any one else to win.