Sunday, September 07, 2008

Obama the Flip Flopper on TAX

Fox News: Reports that Senator Obama is moving on his policy to end the Bush Tax Cuts of 2001. In the fight against Hillary Clinton he wanted to reverse the Bush Tax Cuts but now that the economy is going in to recession he knows this would be a disaster, tax cuts help in a recession, not tax hikes on the wealthy. If Obama makes this move the left of the Democratic Party will not be happy, they don’t care about reality they just want to raise taxes, lets face it the Hollywood type is not affected, it’s the Middle Class that gets kicked in the backside.

New Poll, McCain vs Obama

Gallup: The Daily Tracking Poll has McCain ahead of Obama. The Poll finds the following, McCain 48% - Obama 45%. As mentioned in previous post, this kind of margin was held by the Republican Candidate in the last season of the West Wing, season 7. The Democrat won that election. In the real world, this race will come down to the debates, Obama does not do well in debates, when soft and easy questions he is okay but under tough questions he comes across like any other out of his depth politician. Lets recall a speech is one thing as Hillary Clinton pointed out but actual achievement is something that Obama lacks, McCain needs to make sure that his debate skills are up to scratch, it going to be fun debates folks.

"We are the Change..", Ronald Reagan

Sometimes you have to look at the past to see the future, as a hobby I record historical events, like the 1988 Republican National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. The event was recorded due to the fact that President Ronald Reagan would give the a speech looking back at the success of his administration and the future. Today I had a chance to look at that speech again, one does miss the Gipper, Reagan as always could see the future, in 1988 the Democrats had a their favorite line, time for change, well Reagan had a great line in reply, the President stated, " And now we hear talk that it's time for a change. Well, ladies and gentlemen, another friendly reminder: We are the change. We rolled up our sleeves and went to work in January of 1981. We focused on hope, not despair. We challenged the failed policies of the past because we believed that a society is great not because of promises made by its government but only because of progress made by its people. And that was our change. " McCain is the change agent for the United States, he has taken on his own Party, what has Obama ever really done, but beat a Clinton. McCain due to his War Record sees the USA as a Shining City on Hill in many respects, that old Reagan line suites McCain. Obama still fighting the wars of the 1960s. McCain is the heir to Reagan, lets hope the people of the USA see this and make him President.

Remarks at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 15, 1988. The Public Papers of President Ronald W. Reagan. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. ( Accessed 7/9/08 )

The Weekend Polls

Lets have a look at the Polls folks, and see if we can rad the tea leaves.

Gallup: Reports a close race but with Obama ahead by 2%. The Daily Tracking Poll finds the following, Obama 47% - McCain 45%. Gallup does state the full impact of the RNC will be in the Monday results. As stated in the past a close and Obama will lose, you have to take in to account those voters who lie to the pollsters, thus if Obama cant get a bigger lead he will lose in November. In the West Wing season 7, Gallup had the Democrats up by 5%, lets see what the monday results show.

Rasmussen: Reports a tied race in the 08 Campaign. In this poll both McCain and Obama are on 48%. If I was a Democrats I would start to get worried, if running for the House and Senate do you want Obama to Campaign with you, in the Urban areas Obama should have high positives but in the rural part of the country, the remark by Obama that country people are bitter and thus hold to old views has not gone down well, so in a odd way could the Obama effect help the Republicans when it comes to the House and the Senate.

RNC Bounce for McCain

Zogby: Has a new Poll out, McCain/Palin ticket is ahead of Obama/Biden by 4%. The Poll found the following, McCain/Palin 49.7% - Obama/Biden 45.9%. This shows that the Obama Speech bounce was negated by the Palin news. Also McCain beat Obama in the ratings for their speech's. Also this lead of 4% is around the same level that the Republicans held in the last season of the West Wing and in the end the Democrats won. This will be a very close race, it could come down the debates.