BBC News: Reports that President Obama has been sworn in for a 2nd term.
Lets Get Real:
Thus folks the clock for 2016 stars, the power of any 2nd term President starts to fade within the first year, the President on his desk after the formal ceremony tomorrow, has to deal with the US debt, the growing threat from Al Qaeda in Africa, the Muslim Brotherhood taking over Egypt, this could be a threat to the Israeli and Egypt Peace deal of the Carter years. The Israeli Election is expected to move Israeli politics further to the right, thus it can be expected that Israel will strike Iran with or without the approval of the Oval. The Israeli Government did this is 1981 and 2007, and the in the Oval was Reagan and then Bush 43, seen as friends of Israel, this can not be said of POTUS. Then we come to 2016, the Candidates in the Democratic and Republican Parties will start to visit Iowa and NH at the tail end of 2013, full throttle in 2014, then we have the Mid Terms, can POTUS retake the House and more important can he keep the Senate, then we come to the dumping period, if Obama is low on the polls or his base only comes out to vote for him the Democratic candidates will need a fair space between them and the Oval, just a fact of life. Also VP Biden is not a serious candidate, thus it is for Hillary Clinton, former, First Lady, Senator and by then Secretary of State to lose the race, on the Republican side it could be Governor Jeb Bush, a Clinton vs. Bush race, Back to the Future folks.