Monday, September 23, 2013

Russian IN Syria - Syria Crisis Latest

Lets Get Real:

Folks, the only fighting the Russians will be doing is fighting the rebels, and in that process the the Assad Regime will playing games with the UN and the West, the West has to make it clear to Putin, any more Russian troops in Syria and the WMD deal is off, that has to be  a deal breaker, once the Russians are in force under UN cover they will never leave, the rebels will be crushed by the forces of Russia and Iran.    The US and its allies can not give up on a UN Chapter 7 resolution, it makes sure that should Assad break his word the West can take action, the Russians are opposed because the WMD deal is a head fake of the first order.    It is only a matter of time before Assad breaks his word and the Oval looks even more foolish.   The Russians are playing clever chess while the West is looking on asking what the rules of the game are, the rule folks is who wins and who losses, in this game there can be no draw. 

Israel and the " New " Iran? - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Folks over a year ago the Oval stated that Iran would have the bomb within a year, all that has happened is that Iran and its elite have chosen a better seller of its image, it has not stopped its nuclear aims, any delay has been due the  covert actions by the CIA and Mossad, the Tehran Regime fears its people, the sanctions by the UN are hurting,  the Oval in its first term could have supported the reformers as they were being shot in Tehran, but the Oval did NOTHING.   As with Syria, the Oval wants to appease, the Oval has lost its bottle, if it ever had a bottle to lose.   The Government in Israel soon will have a choice, does it allow Iran to go nuclear or does it take action, it can not trust the US,  the US is going down a isolation road, this is not new for the US, it has form folks, after the US Senate rejected the League of Nations of President Wilson it went through two decades of isolation, only the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941 bought the US out of this policy.   The US has become a welfare State folks, it has a 17 trillion debt, China is the banker for the US,  the UK after World War 2 gave up its Empire and its leadership of the West to the US, the problem now is that there is no successor to the US, history is harsh on Countries and politicians who fail to see the end result of failed policies, thus folks, what will history say of the US in the early 21 Century, a giant who slept but then woke, or a giant who never woke up to be that Shining City on a Hill. 

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - Latest

BBC News: Reports that a Egyptian Court has banned all the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. 

Lets Get Real: 

The Crisis in Egypt has fallen off the attention of the World folks, at its essence from the Western perspective the Egyptian Army is doing the dirty work of the West, keeping the peace deal with Israel, making sure the Suez Canal is free for Ships and taking on Al Qaeda, thousands have been killed and others thrown in to prison, as Egypt and the Army are secular and support the West the US and its allies look the other way, the Syrian Civil War and the latest terrorist attack in Kenya has drawn the attention of policy makers, the West is hoping if we are being honest that the new Egyptian Government takes care of its Muslim Brotherhood problem by any means, as long as they keep it from the press and the 24/7 news channels, the West does not want another Iran 1979.    Thus the theory of Western democracy has its limits folks, one does wonder if that real politic viewpoint will not come back to bite the West on the backside, if you take your eye off the major ball folks, it can come back and break your window.