Monday, June 17, 2013

POTUS at the G8 - 2nd Term Blues

Telegraph: Reports on the visit of President Obama to Northern Ireland for the G8, the article notes the following, " Barack Obama's current trip suggests he is not dazzling foreign audiences like he used to.. ".

Lets Get Real:

This blog gave up listening to President Obama a long time ago, at the end of the day it is about HIM, the great American President Ronald Reagan was called the Great Communicator, the Gipper stated that it was not who gave the message but the message itself.  The Gipper spoke of the US as a Shinning City on a Hill, that the US should have a small government, low taxes, and a strong defence, what is the Obama message, how great President Obama is, when Obama leaves office in 2017 his Agenda leaves with him, the idea that Big Government represents what the US wants only has space in the Oval, once President Obama takes that final helicopter on January 20th 2017 the Democrats will run a mile from the Obama Agenda, one article this blog read stated that the Reagan Era was finally over, IT IS NOT, the very expanse of the Oval has made sure that the Reagan message will carry on, Reagan said in his 1st Inaugural  " ..government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem..From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people...It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government. It is time for us to realize that we're too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams... "*  The Reagan Era will never end folks because Liberals overreach, as people want to be free, that was the greatness of Reagan folks, he understood the US, while Obama has no clue. 

* "  The Public Papers of President Ronald W. Reagan.  Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. 

A CHANCE with Iran ? - Iran Crisis

The New York Times: Reports on remarks by the new President of Iran Hassan Rowhani, the President Elect stated that " ..he wanted to reduce tensions with the United States but ruled out direct talks between the two estranged nations. ".

Lets Get Real:

The 2nd Obama term could try a twin track, talks with North Korea and Iran, the question do these rouge nations want REAL talks or just good PR for offering talks, one can postulate that North Korea with a new leader, after his warlike moves might be willing to talk, thus the call for talks between the NK and the US.  When it comes to Iran, it is a different, the power is held by the religions leaders, they run Iran's nuclear sites, they control Iran sending Revolutionary Guards to Syria, the religious elite are not fools, they know that the majority of the population was born after the 1979 revolution, they want more freedom, they want to be more Western, if Iran had more freedom the religious leaders would no longer have power and could be hanged from the nearest tree, thus they will allow Mr Rowhani the PR of power but they understand what happened to Gaddafi when he gave up his power in the shape of WMD, a sharp metal object in his neither regions, thus Iran will go nuclear folks, this gives Israel a few months to make its mind up, does it trust Obama, can it trust its security to a leader who stated red lines in Syria and only acted when it might be to late, would the Oval really take out Iran if Tehran wiped out Israel, its a matter of trust folks.   This election is about smoking mirrors folks, nothing has changed, just the PR.  

Obama FALLS in CNN Poll - 2nd Term Blues

CNN - Politics: Reports on a new CNN/ORC Poll that finds that President Obama has a 45%  job approval rating, while 54% disapprove of the Oval performance

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks the political hits of the scandals are starting to have an effect, this really hurts the Oval on the Hill, the major bill  that the Oval is pushing is Immigration reform, if the poll numbers of the Oval are in the tank, those in the House and Senate might think its better to oppose the Oval, also lets recall it could get worse folks, ObamaCare comes in to effect at the end of the year, thus many US voters might find that the IRS starts to charge them if they do not have the right kind of healthcare insurance, that is going to go down well, the Oval promised that if people had heath care they were happy with they could keep it, well its cheaper for employers to pay the penalty than offer health care, thus millions of Americans are finding that employers are cutting hours as to avoid offering healthcare, also the States are being very slow to offer the internal markets for ObamaCare, this leaves it to the Federal Government, in other words its a train wreck as a Democratic Senator called the move to ObamaCare.   The scandals are not going to go away folks, thus Obama might find that he has the same bad numbers as Bush 43, that would be so ironic and funny folks. 

The UK and the Syrian Rebels - Syrian Update

Guardian: Reports that the UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has stated the following about arming the Syrian rebels, " decision made to arm opposition to President Assad, but insists it can be done in containable way  ".

Lets Get Real:

If the US wants the UK to be part of a solution to the Syrian Civil War the Oval will have to lead, Obama, Cameron and President Hollande of France will have to shame the Conservative backbenchers who oppose arming the Syrian rebels because of Iraq and Afghanistan.   This would place the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party against the Obama Oval and France, that should be enough to force Labour leader Ed Miliband to support the Conservatives, thus the Liberal Democrats will not matter, but for this to work the Oval and President Obama will have to take a major role, the UN gave cover for the UK to take down Gaddafi of Libya, the Russians are not going to give UN cover for any action in Syria, they want to keep their warm water port, thus its real politic time.   Syria is the more complex Bosnia Crisis of the 1990s, but a Assad win could cause a regional disaster, the refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey will not go home if Assad wins and thus causing the prospect that the Kingdom of Jordan could fall, Lebanon could return to Civil War and tensions could develop further in Turkey, a NATO member.  Thus folks the Oval can not lead from behind, its far to late for that folks. 

The US and North Korea

BBC News: Reports that the US and South Korea have a given a frosty reply to the call by North Korea for high level talks with the US. 

Lets Get Real: 

This could be a mistake by the US, this blog can see why the frosty reaction, the North Koreans have gone back on their word more times than this blog has had a healthy dinner, the North can not be trusted, but on the other hand they have gotten back in to their box and the rhetoric has been less warlike, the Oval could sent Secretary Kerry to see what they want, lets face it the US talked to the USSR and China whose leaders had millions of deaths on their hands, Stalin being the classic example, lets see if this latest call is just a trick, the Oval might as well give it a try, the North is a nuclear armed power, the US and its Allies are not going to bomb them, so might as well talk, that the point of not allowing Iran to get the bomb folks.   As the Gipper stated, Trust but Verify.