Monday, June 17, 2013

The UK and the Syrian Rebels - Syrian Update

Guardian: Reports that the UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has stated the following about arming the Syrian rebels, " decision made to arm opposition to President Assad, but insists it can be done in containable way  ".

Lets Get Real:

If the US wants the UK to be part of a solution to the Syrian Civil War the Oval will have to lead, Obama, Cameron and President Hollande of France will have to shame the Conservative backbenchers who oppose arming the Syrian rebels because of Iraq and Afghanistan.   This would place the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party against the Obama Oval and France, that should be enough to force Labour leader Ed Miliband to support the Conservatives, thus the Liberal Democrats will not matter, but for this to work the Oval and President Obama will have to take a major role, the UN gave cover for the UK to take down Gaddafi of Libya, the Russians are not going to give UN cover for any action in Syria, they want to keep their warm water port, thus its real politic time.   Syria is the more complex Bosnia Crisis of the 1990s, but a Assad win could cause a regional disaster, the refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey will not go home if Assad wins and thus causing the prospect that the Kingdom of Jordan could fall, Lebanon could return to Civil War and tensions could develop further in Turkey, a NATO member.  Thus folks the Oval can not lead from behind, its far to late for that folks. 

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