Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Hard Remainers and Brexit - Update 3 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The Hard Remainers are playing games again, they are now threaten to vote against the Brexit plan of PM May.   This blog can only see one out for the PM, that is a General Election or managing to get pro EU Labour MPs to vote for her plan.   There seems no majority for anything in the House of Commons, the Conservatives must prevent a 2nd Brexit vote, this would be an attempt to reverse Brexit by the uber elite of the Conservatives and the Labour Party.  Time is running out for the PM. 

Brexit Divorce - Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Any divorced deal should be in the low billions, not tens of billions, any deal should not to damage to the UK or Northern Irish economy.   The UK must be allowed to do its own trade deals, the UK can not become a colony of the EU.   The European Court should no longer have powers over UK Courts, also no more regulations from the EU.   The House of Parliament should be the Sovereign power in the UK.   Let's see if this deal takes the above course or not, otherwise the hard Brexit supporters and this blog will oppose any deal. 

Brexit and the DUP - Update - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

PM May has to keep the DUP abroad, if that means a HARD BREXIT, so let it be, the Conservative Government needs the support of the DUP to keep in power and to pass laws in the House of Commons.   The DUP are not playing games, if they see a risk to the status of Northern Ireland they will pull the plug on May and the Government.  The May Government has to get an agreement that covers ALL THE UK, otherwise the Brexit plans could be a disaster and we could face a 2nd Brexit vote.  No 10 has to be clever, they should keep the DUP close, they can not afford to play games.