Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The Fiscal Cliff and the House PT4

The New York Times: Reports the following on the fiscal cliff deal that is now in the House, " ..the fate of the legislation in doubt just hours after it appeared Congress was nearing a resolution of the fiscal crisis. ". 

Lets Get Real:

The Republican House members have found that the Senate deal has no real cuts, just more tax hikes and government spending, one example the extension of unemployment benefits, this is the kind of welfare state system that has sent Greece down the toilet and is being followed by the rest of Europe.    The new French President after the Courts rejected his tax hike on the rich wants to re - draft the law and bring it back.    The Senate deal is only about raising taxes, the Republicans should say NO thanks, and allow the US to go over the cliff, it will then be Obama's recession.  In 2014 POTUS is not on the ballot, thus he does not have to  deal with the results of the any deals between the Oval and the Hill, those running for re-election will face the fury of the voters who see that the US has a 16 trillion debt and is owned by China.   That the welfare system is out of control and will bankrupt the US, time for Republicans to be Reagan Republicans, say no and just pass a bill that extends all tax cuts and say that is IT, if Obama does use his veto pen then any recession will be his to own.  Hard ball politics at its toughest folks. 

The House and the Fiscal Cliff - PT3

Lets Get Real:

Lets hope the Republicans say no to the Senate Deal, any recession would land on Obama, his 2nd term would be over before its starts, the Republicans should make it clear that if Obama does not agree to all taxes being down then his Agenda is dead on the Hill, the Republicans should freeze the White House Budget, in other words make Obama wish he had never run for the Oval, it can be done, Obama is not the first or the last President who needs to be taken down a beg or two.   This normally happens after six years, but when you get the Nobel Prize for doing nothing it can go your head!!  Lets Get Real, 2nd terms rarely end well, Obama does not walk on water, he is a Chicago pol who got lucky in 2008, as with nearly all Chicago Pols, lets see when the other shoe drops, it always does folks. 

The House and the Fiscal Cliff - PT2

BBC News: Reports that the Republican House of Representatives has not signed off on the Senate approved fiscal cliff deal. 

Lets Get Real: 

Enough Republicans will cave as this is the media theme story for days, they have forgotten what happened to Bush 41, he agreed to tax hikes on the promise of cuts, the Democrats took the tax hikes but never produced the welfare cuts, they can not, they would be cutting their own throats.  Thus the Republicans will cave and POTUS will be able to push them around for the next two years.  The Republicans in the House need a new Speaker, Mr Boehner is a terrible poker player, he gave the shop away the day after the election, he agreed to tax hikes even before the last votes were counted.   Time for some Chicago hard ball from the Republicans if they are not to lose in 2014 as Bush 41 lost in 1992 to Bill Clinton. 

President Obama and the Fiscal Cliff


Lets Get Real.

This is the side of President Obama that shows his arrogance, the statement that this is the final say on US Taxes shows arrogance and contempt for democracy, if the Republicans keep the House and retake the Senate and the Oval they will return to the low taxes and high defence spending of the Reagan years.   There will be welfare cuts, and Obama Era will be seen as the final throw of the extreme left to make the US like Western Europe, a welfare debt State.   The left never learn folks, voters want to get rich, they might vote for Democrats or Labour in the bad times but they do not last, go and ask Jimmy Carter what happens next.