Guardian: Reports " Former secretary of state convinced arming moderates was best way to turn tide against Assad but was overruled by Obama "
Lets Get Real:
If the Obama Oval gets any lower in the polls the Clintons will make sure that any merit of the Obama Administration goes to Hillary Clinton and any negative results will be down to the Hamlet of the Oval. If its a choice of between Hillary Clinton in the Oval in 2016 and throwing Obama to his critics then the Oval should expect no mercy, this is the last chance for the Clintons, they will use the political knife on any one in their way, VP Biden is lucky in some respects that NO ONE sees him as a real rival, if he even thinks of running the Clintons will cut his neither regions off, they are going to WIN the Democratic nomination no matter what or what it takes, this is the rebirth in their view of the Clinton Era.