The New York Times: Reports " THE last year or so has not been kind to Warren G. Harding, who was the 29th president, from 1921 to 1923... "
Lets Get Real:
It is interesting how history treats US Presidents, how they look either good or bad after a few years. One has to say that Harding comes across as more fun that President Wilson and more forward thinking that most people of the age. In the mind of this blogger, the best US President was Ronald Reagan, he hat it all, a spirit of hope for the US, he could manage the relationship between the White House and the Congress and he ended the Cold War with the help of President Gorbachev, not bad for a former actor. The most over rated President is President Kennedy, his early death makes it hard to say what kind of President he could have been, but his action in Cuba and Vietnam hurt the US image. The failed invasion at the Bay of Pigs lead to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The one act of greatness by President Kennedy was not bombing the Cuban missile sites after the shoot down of the US plane, also doing the secret deal with USSR over the Turkish missiles. The most under rated President is President Lyndon Johnson, he pushed for civil rights, and more government spending on the problems faced by the US, the major negative was of course Vietnam. When you think of LBJ its Vietnam that you most connect with the LBJ period, the error was that LBJ knew the War was a mistake but did not know how to end it, that cost the lives of thousands of Americans.