Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Alabama Senate Race - Latest

Lets Get Real:

This is the only time this blogger has supported a liberal Democrat to win anything in a US election.   Judge Roy Moore has serious sexual allegations against him, he should have dropped out of the race, but he didn't and then he was supported by POTUS.   This was a mistake by POTUS he should have kept quiet and placed pressure on Moore to drop out.   By POTUS taking the wrong side he has bought up his own problems, never a good idea.   This blog will raise a cup of tea to Doug Jones when he wins tonight, the good people of Alabama will do the right thing this blog hopes. 

The LEFT and BLOCKING Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

What the moaning remainers seem to have forgotten is that they have voted for Article 50, that being to leave the EU, if there is no deal the UK falls under World Trade Rules, the process would show to the EU that the UK is weak and moaning remainers are using the their minority to block Brexit.   It time for the Conservatives have a tough Chief Whip, a ball breaker if parden the use of such extreme language, FU from the House of Cards ( UK Version ) comes to mind.  The UK has made its mind up, time for the moaning remainers to understand the will of the UK Voter. 

May faces DEFEAT in House of Commons over Brexit Vote - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

As this blog understands process, IF the above is approved by the House of Commons, the Commons would have a final say on the end on any trade bill, if they say no then the UK falls in to World Trade Rules, in essence the Government is saying take or leave it, of course it is complex, it could be a ploy by the moaning remainers to stay in the EU.  The Chief Whip has to firm with rebel MPs, THIS IS THE END OF THEIR CAREER if they vote against the Government on this issue. 

The rush in Phase 2 of Brexit Talks - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The phase 2 of the Brexit talks start in March of 2018, thus the UK and the EU has in till September of 2018 to reach a deal.  The reason for September is simple, the UK Parliament needs to approve the deal, the EU institutions need to approve and then the 27 Parliaments of the EU must give the okay.    The 2nd phase is more difficult, as in that phase the UK and EU must come to a deal over trade, as the UK is already a member of the EU, the problems should minor in less the EU plays games.  It is in the interest of the UK and the EU for there to be a deal, but the devil is in the detail.