The Daily Mail: Reports that the New Labour Leader that won three General Elections, former PM Tony Blair tells PM Brown that its his fault that the Labour Party is a disaster area at the present. Gordon Brown when he comes back from holiday has to be the ax man, he has to show the Country and the Cabinet that he is not Mr Bean but Stalin. He has to have the guts to sack the Foreign Secretary and put the fear of god in those that will oppose him, if it means getting rid of most of the Cabinet so let be, he has to show that he has a backbone and is tough. Power is kept and politics is about power, Brown does not have a lot of time.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Elite Media and McCain
Newsweek: Attacks Senator McCain in a very vicious article, the article states the following, " For a man who will turn 72 this month, he's a surprisingly immature politician—erratic, impulsive and subject to peer pressure from the last knucklehead who offers him advice. " The above quote is at the start of the article, so why has the Elite Media fallen out of love with McCain, well for Newsweek its in the tank for Obama, he's been on the cover more times than this correspondent has had a healthy meal. Also it was Newsweek that had Obama in a double digit lead over McCain. It should be noted this was the same outlet that had Mondale winning in 1984 over Reagan. Lets see the Polls show an even race, this really has the Elite Media worried, they are so in the tank for Obama should he lose a lot of them would need to to see a therapist. The problem for the Elite Media is that Obama has done so many flip flops they have to attack McCain because they are not sure what policy Obama will have on any given Day. Shame on Newsweek.
Another Flip Flop from Obama, Two in a Day!!
CNN: Reports that Senator Obama has done another Flip, this time on Drilling for Oil, he was against now he is for drilling. In other words Obama has seen the Polls and they are not good for his policy on the Issue of Oil.
Reparations for Slavery
CNN: Reports that Senator Obama opposed to giving reparations for slavery, this is a wise policy. Obama was seen at the start as a post racial candidate, a Democrat who happened to be African - American, of late he has been acting like a African - American who happens to be running as the Democratic Nominee. The use of the Race Card against McCain was dirty politics at its most dirty. It is a weapon used by the left if you challenge them on their favourite issues, like Civil Rights, they call you a racist, well sorry this old white dude did not own a plantation and has never owned slaves and was not part of the British Empire. Obama has shown on this Issue why he was an interesting candidate, he wants to help all the poor in the USA not just African - Americans, the poor around the World are all colours. Also what the Great Society Programmes showed in the late 60s that throwing money at a problem does not help, more African - Americans in jail, more one single parent families. Money has to be combined with thought out policy that helps all, if you are seen as favoring one ethnic group its annoys everyone else, a wrong is a wrong but we are not in the 19th Century, this is the 21 Century. The Sins of the Father are not on his successors, if you fall in to that trap you never get out, you have to help yourself, no else will in this world.
Obama Flips Again!!
Fox News: Reports that Obama has done another Flip Flop this time over debates. Early in the Campaign the Obama Camp had been open to the idea that Obama and McCain would debate before the National Conventions, but now the Obama has gone back to the old method of three debates after the Conventions. The reason, Obama is not good at debates, the One as he is called by the McCain Camp does not doe well under stress, he does not like to be challenged, McCain is good at Town Hall Meetings, thus the old method of debate. Correction they are not debates, they don't even debate but stress their Campaign slogans. McCain should have many hours of debate practice, Obama can shine but under stress he is weak, this could be a chance for McCain.
Iran War Part Two
BBC News: Reports on the refusal of Iran to stop its nuclear development and its refusal to agree to the demands of the West. The government of Iran is playing games, its a matter of time, it wants to give the appearance that it will talk while building up its nuclear structure. The Government of Israel should start its planning for an attack on Iran. The USA and UK should be ready to rebel an attack on Iraq by Iran. Those in the Oil business should start to make agreements for future oil at present prices, the price of Oil will go through the roof, sometimes a road is set, and the end result is the right result.
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