CNN - Politics: Reports on its poll of the best and worst Presidents since World War 2, the poll found that, " According to the poll, Ronald Reagan (at 35%) tops the list of the best president since WWII, with 18% saying Bill Clinton was best, followed by John F. Kennedy at 15%.. "
Lets Get Real:
Of course this blog agrees with the opinion as stated in the poll that Reagan was the BEST President since WW2, IF Reagan or Kennedy asked you to do something you followed through, with the rest of the Presidents since WW2 you would require a paper order, and signed, its about trust at the end of the day. Both Reagan and Kennedy had their flaws, but they made you feel that anything was possible, a feeling that the US had been reborn, that great leaders were asking for your help, this blog would make the argument that LBJ would have made the cut with the exception of Vietnam. One has to be fair we live in the media age, so you see the images of Reagan and Kennedy all the time, those that governed before the age of TV would argue that the US population have a short memory, but with Reagan and Kennedy they would have been popular without TV, they were the greats.