Monday, September 18, 2017

That BOOK Tour, HRC on the road - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

As you read about the HRC book tour, think Gothic horror music in the background, she never goes away, HRC is not helping herself or other Democrats, she should think of running as Mayor of New York or Governor.  One might have doubts about her character, private web EMAIL server anyone, but she has a fine brain, okay she lost the Presidency twice, no mean feat considering she was seen as the nominee all but the title in 2008 before then Senator Obama defeated her, then she lost to Donald Trump, a reality star and businessman, that must hurt. In the past defeated candidates or pols who had become Establishment figures were made Ambassador to Japan, this blog can not see Trump giving Clinton any role for the next four to eight years.   The next generation of leaders have to come through, and they can not be in their 70s, there must be another JFK or Obama in the wings, otherwise the Democrats are stuck in political hades. 

The French on the Iran Nuclear Deal - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog could care less what the French think, let's recall its us Brits who have saved France twice, something that they will never forgive.   The Trump Oval should ask what the Israeli intelligence Mossad thinks of the deal, they will know if Iran is breaking the deal, Mossad is feared for a reason, its bloody good at what it does, and has eyes and ears open when it comes to Tehran.  The left press will always want to appease, they assume that Tehran is telling the truth, let's recall North Korea agreed to deals then broke them, thus the present problem with North Korea.   The Trump Oval should ask the US Defence Department for options, from covert to overt action if the intelligence is that Iran is breaking the deal, this blog assumes they are already. 

UK Government to Pay 30 Billion to EU - Post EU

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government is selling out the UK voter, the vote to leave was about LEAVING the EU, it was not to give them thirty billion that they might want, they might want more, the UK has to be firm, when we leave that IS IT, we are out, the transition period should only be  for a few months, not years.  Those in the Cabinet that oppose the deal should resign if they an not support the May policy, the Conservative Party might need a new leader, a strong leader, who understands that Lady Thatcher would never agree to such a deal.  LEAVE should mean LEAVE.

Trump at the UN - North Korean Crisis - Latest

Lets Get Real:

The UN is full of hot air when it comes to North Korea, there have been endless meetings, and North Korea has not backed off, in fact it has pushed its nuclear structure along, with a new nuclear test and another missile over Japan.   The US has to decide, is it going to appease or take action, if you're NK you must not take the US at its word, the UN and US warnings have not been backed up by real ACTION, at the end of the day President Trump has to decide does he want to be Neville Chamberlain or a Kennedy/Reagan type of President.