Telegraph: Reports on the reaction of Russia to the move by US to give non lethal support to the Syrian Rebels, the article notes the following, " Russia has denounced a US pledge to provide direct aid, but no arms, to rebel fighters, saying it will fuel more violence in the nearly two-year war that has killed at least 70,000 people. ".
Lets Get Real:
The Russian alliance with Syria goes back to the days of the Cold War folks, the Syrians have allowed Russia to have its only warm water Port, thus thus Moscow will support the Assad Regime in till the bitter end. There are thousands of Russians in Syria, the Putin Regime has a plan to remove these Russian Citizens should the Assad Regime fall, the Assad Regime is only kept going due to the support of Russia and Iran, both these powers need Assad to stay in power, thus folks the US and the West will have to arm the Syrian Rebels or hundred of thousands of more Syrians will die, Moscow and Tehran have a lot to lose folks, they will support Assad as long as they can, the Rebels will have to be at the door of the Presidential Palace before Moscow and Iran give up on Assad.