Monday, February 14, 2022

The Russian PLAN for INVASION of the UKRAINE - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus if the Russian Bear is going to the fast route to Kiev will have to go through the Chernobyl Forbidden Zone, it is now a tourist attraction, will Putin really send his troops through the hazard  of radiation for a quick victory, will the Russians really throw missiles over the site, what if something goes wrong and a Russian missile hits Chernobyl itself, the Ukraine and the rest of the World and that includes Russia would feels the consequences for years, also PUITN will want to know how much of a insurgency will he face, he does not want another Afghanistan, it can be postulated that Biden and the West will support any insurgency, and as Iraq and Afghanistan has shown that can hurt the occupier.  The Kremlin must know that RUSSIAN TROOPS will die, that is why pits have been dug to taker the dead, the Kremlin does not want them to come home to their families.  One hopes Putin pulls back, but the with the forces around the border and more coming, one has doubts, has Putin LOST THE PLOT?.

The Western Military Posture in the Ukraine Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

If the US had moved the above forces to the Ukraine this crisis would not have started, the Russian Bear can smell weakness, and the West is weak, the Germans sent five thousand caps to the Ukraine, that is really going to help, the West in general is afraid of the economic consequences or blowback from the RUSSIAN SANCTIONS.  Also if Putin does invade, what happens NEXT, does the West support a Ukraine insurgency and how will the West support such move, by land or air, the Russians will say that is a ACT OF WAR and will try to stop any supplies, they remember Afghanistan during the Reagan Administration in the 1980s.  This endless shuttle diplomacy is getting samey, the usual talks but not a lot happening, the West in the shape of the US and the UK has sent lethal aid, but this will not counter massive forces of Russia.  Thus what is this blog's prediction, 6/10 that Putin gets worried and withdraws his troops, 3/10 Putin invades, 1/10 World War 3.  Lets hope this blog is right that Putin takes the concessions he has gained and goes back in to his bear cave. 

President Biden TALKS to PM Johnson of the UK - Ukraine Update

Lets Get Real:

Thu usual about the diplomatic moves by the Wests to talk Putin down from his military position, the actions the West will take in sanctions and the defence of Eastern European States in NATO.  ALL this is reactive, Putin from recent talks with his Foreign Minister, in a staged meeting, said to carry on with talks.  This could mean that he sees a way to divide Europe and get his concessions, that the Ukraine will never join NATO and that NATO will withdraw to its 1997 borders.  Thus far NATO has kept to its line, that it is open to Countries to decide if they want to joint NATO and will not withdraw them to 1997 borders.  The Ukraine Ambassador put his foot in to it, when he gave the impression that the Ukraine would consider not becoming part of NATO, the Ambassador retracted this statement and so did the Kiev Government.  Thus the War was supposed to start on Tuesday or Wednesday, so far just the Russians building up their forces.  At some point Putin will make a choice, some talks with NATO and the the US on the reduction of nuclear forces, and an agreement to military games or he goes to WAR with the Ukraine faces heavy sanctions.  The German Chancellor was in Kiev today, and stated his support for the Ukraine, he is Moscow tomorrow, one does wonder will he have to sit at the end of a long table with Putin.  At some point something has to give, the pressure could wreck the Ukraine economy and the West has been clear to its citizens, GET OUT.  If and when will PUTIN pull the trigger!! One feels stuck in a time loop, endless diplomacy going nowhere fast and Putin pulling the strings.