Sunday, January 28, 2018

Divisions in the Labour Party - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

As noted the London Elite MPs want to stay in the EU, but Corbyn understands that if he does that he can not takeover large areas of the UK economy.   The press have not shown much interest in the Labour divisions, that can no last, the REMAIN Lords will try to sink the Brexit Bill before it returns to the House of Commons, PM May has to be firm, she needs to keep the soft and Hard Brexit supporters in line, she is helped that a few Labour MPs will break ranks and will vote to leave.   Interesting political time ahead. 

The DIVISIONS in the Conservative Party - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Let's be very honest here, PM May is no LADY Thatcher, the Iron Lady would be furious at how weak the PM is, let us recall that Lady Thatcher never lost an election, and knew a thing or two about axing Cabinet Ministers.   PM May has to decide who she can annoy, the Hard Brexit element within the Cabinet or the moaning remainers.   The PM should be firm, she should go for a HARD BREXIT, where are the moaning remainers going to go, are they going to join the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats, one has doubts, thus the PM should march in firm manner towards a HARD BREXIT. 

Corbyn, The Labour Party vs. 2nd Brexit Vote - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

There is a reason that Corbyn wants a HARD BREXIT, he thinks he can win the next election and wants a Labour Government to take over large areas of the UK economy, that would not be allowed if the UK remained in the EU.   The Labour Leadership will have problem with Blair supporters in the House of Lords, they want to sink the Brexit bill, so what will Corbyn do about that, either way he makes one side angry, IF he choses th support the Government the BBC/Guardian types will go up the wall, they want to remain in the EU, they see Corbyn thwarting that idea.  It is not just the Conservative Party that is split, the London Elites want to stay, while Northern voters in Northern Seats want to leave, what has the EU ever done for them, not a lot.  Brexit is going to take up the whole year.