Friday, May 25, 2012

Iran vs. UN

Lets Get Real:

Folks with Spanish Banks heading for a run on them, Greece heading for the EXIT of the Euro, NOW we have this major worry, the UBER Liberal NYT states the development might be accident, nice try NYT, this blog would want James Bond 007 or Mossad to conform this development, and even then this blog would want Israel to take action. Lets get VERY real here folks, the Tehran Regime has been caught red handed, one would suspect there are other nuclear sites in Iran that the UN does not know about, lets hope the Intelligence networks of the US, UK and Israel has some idea. This development will give another reason to say that POTUS is weak on national security, while the UN talks to Iran in Iraq, the Tehran Regime is up to getting the bomb. The Israeli Government might have to take action well before the US Presidential Election, it cant risk a nuclear armed Iran, would you trust Obama to bomb Iran after his leadership from behind in Libya. It will be interesting to see if the uber liberal news networks report this story, they will not want to place pressure on Obama, but they might have no choice, events as a Israeli strike on Iran is something even the uber liberal main stream media cant hide for Obama.

Day One, Part Two - Romney Presidency - Advert

Lets Get Real:

This is a positive political advert folks, its stresses that Romney will deal with the US Budget Disaster of 16 Trillion, will stand up to China, will be business friendly. Its good because it is the reverse of the Obama record, without going negative. Also folks its short, that is always good.

Obama vs. Romney - The Polls

It is that time of the week folks, the tracking polls for the race between President Obama and Governor Romney.

Gallup ( Registered Voters ): In today's daily tracking poll we have President Obama ahead of Governor Romney by 47% to 46%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks it is a tied race, on whole this good for both Obama and Romney, neither has fallen behind, but neither has managed to define the other Candidate. As to the Obama attack on Romney's business record he is heading in to blow back from fellow Democrats, lets get VERY real here, either way this IS Obama's last Campaign, if he wins he cant run for a 3rd term, if he losses its over for the Obama brand. The critical comments on the Obama attack is coming from Democrats who want to run for other offices, it does not help them to be seen as anti business, the business community wont fund them if they are attacked by candidates that take their money but then throw them under the bus, harsh but true folks. Thus the Chicago Re-Elect Committee should not expect but much support from Democrats who want run for public office in the future. On the Romney side he has to select his Vice - President quite fast, it would be great if it was a woman, from a any ethnic background, e.g not white, also very Conservative, that would keep the social conservatives in the Republican Party happy, if it cant be a woman then a VP that shares the above aspects. The Republicans have to broaden their support, get more of the female vote, attract conservatives in different ethnic areas, get the base yes but also get Conservative Democrats and Independents. That is the next stage for Romney, he VP choice might decide if he gets elected.

Spanish Debt - Regional and Banks

Guardian Live - Spain: Reports in its 5.47pm post the following on Regional Debt of Catalonia and other Spanish Regions, the articles notes the following, " ...It needs some €13bn and other regional governments in Spain need around €24bn more...".

Lets Get Real:

Thus the out of control Regional Governments of Spain and bleeding Spain dry, also the Spanish Government has to worry that it will have a run on its banks should Greece go out of the Euro. Thus to prevent total contagion the EU/IMF/ECB should force Spain to take a multi billion bailout, the Regional Governments of Spain should be stripped of their power to run the financial structure of the Spanish Regions. The IMF should place inspects as in Greece in Spanish Government Departments to make sure that any bailout is spent wisely, also any money spent by the Spanish Government would need the green light of the inspectors. Its better to take action NOW folks than wait for Spain to follow Greece after the Greek elections. It might be to late to save Spain in the Euro folks.

EU Summit and Greece

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 3.31pm post that leaders of Italy, France, Germany and Spain are to hold a EU Summit on the day of the Greek General Election.

Lets Get Real:

This sounds like it will be a all nighters folks as the leaders wait the results from Athens, the projections should tell the EU what path they will be on for the next few months, either Greek voters vote for austerity Parties or Greece is OUT of the Euro. The Germans are not going to support Euro bonds not matter what President Hollande of France wants, as Euro bonds will mean that Germany will be on the hook to bailout the PIIGS till the end of time. The German voter would throw Chancellor Merkel out of office if she tried to get the German Parliament to support such bonds. Also its against the basic law of Germany, no German Government can underwrite the debt of other Countries. Thus expect the Markets to go up and down over the next few weeks folks, even this blog can not understand the present mind set of the market, on no good news, well no news on Euro Bonds and the Markets go up, it seems the Market is going on hope, politics and reality are not the same thing folks.

Spanish Bank Bankia - Major Bailout

BBC News: Reports that one of Spain's biggest Banks ; its 4th; Bankia will ask for a major bailout by the Spanish Government. The article states that the Bank will ask for 15 billion Euros.

Lets Get Real:

The Greek exit from the Euro folks could be the spark that sees Spain having to ask EU for billions in bailout. It has been argued that there is a deep black hole of Spanish debt held by Spanish Banks. As the article notes the Banks have to deal with a busted property boom and of buying Spanish debt. Also as the article notes Spain's richest region, Catalonia also needs a bailout. Thus folks it can be argued that Spain is the next Greece, the contagion from Greece has already created a cancer in the weak body of the Spanish State. Thus IF Greece does exit the Euro expect the Markets to start attacking Spain, their bonds might hit the 7%. At present Spain is paying over 6% to sell its bonds, the new Spanish PM has stated that this cant go on forever, Spain can not afford to to loan at that rate. Thus the Greeks voters have the future of Greece and Spain in their hands when they vote on June 17th.